Human Cognitive Syntax

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In the CTMU, the Human Cognitive Syntax (HCS) (or Human Cognitive-Perceptual Syntax) is the set of structural and functional rules obeyed by the human mind. The HCS can be partitioned or stratified according to the nature of the elements incorporated in the rules. In particular, Langan names four classes or "subsyntaxes" of the HCS:

  • space-time-object syntax (STOS), rules governing the fundamental trio space, time, and object (see also triality).
  • logico-mathematical syntax (LMS), the laws of logic and mathematics. Langan also denotes these laws by S1 and denotes the laws of physics by S2. S1=LMS forms a syntactic covering for S2.
  • qualio-perceptual syntax (QPS), the perceptual qualia in terms of which we define and extract experience.
  • emo-telic syntax (ETS), feelings and emotions integral to the determination of utility.

Since humans are real, human cognition is embedded in the generalized cognition of reality. At the same time, for us to be able to cognitively refer to reality, it must conform to our cognitive categories (i.e., to the HCS). Hence there is an isomorphism between human cognition and generalized cognition, and this implies that they are mutually consistent aspects of a single global form of cognition, namely SCSPL self-processing.