CTMU sources
This page lists sources containing information about Chris Langan's Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe (CTMU).
- 1 Websites
- 2 Books
- 3 Papers
- 4 Articles and essays
- 5 Early writings
- 6 Discussions
- 7 Audio/Video
- 8 Mega Society/Mega Foundation's Journals
- 9 Media coverage
- 10 Third-party explanations
- 11 Meetup Groups
- 12 Related material
- 13 Other & Non-related resources
- 14 Unofficial Translations, Foreign Language CTMU Content, Audiobooks Generally
- 15 Alternative-Media References, Explainer Videos, CTMU Advocacy, Apologetics, Sympathy, Criticism and Activism, Open-Letters and Fora
- 16 CTMU Discussions Otherwise Banned and At-Risk of Deletion by Chris Langan’s Public Identity Moderation Team
- 17 High-IQ Rankings, Genetic/Ancestral Profiles of Charimastic Authorities, Estimators in Popular Media and Click-Bait Bios
- 18 Calculating Genealogical (or at least Geographical) Distances Between Chris Langan and Historical/Contemporary Figures
- 19 Chronology of Chris Langan’s (Perceived) Net Worth, Posts, Gabs, Tweets, Facebook Posts, Forum Replies and Interview Clips (wherein he may have replied to comments)
- Official sites
- ctmu.org, ctmu.net, teleologic.org, theoryofeverything.net
- http://hology.org/, http://hology.org/ctmu-papers/
- Mega Foundation
- Mega International (various CTMU pages)
- ANKORT Blog Version
- The Hard Way - Chris Langan's blog
- Chris Langan is creating Reality Theory - Patreon: Become a Patron
- Mega Foundation is creating Resources for the Severely Gifted Patreon: Become a Patron
- CTMU Knowledge Base For immediate access to the Knowledge Base, Subscribe to Chris Langan on Patreon ! (Follow @RealChrisLangan on Twitter and get free KB access (p: ctmu-kb) until 2021)
- Chris Langan and CTMU quotes on Twitter
- Chris Langan on Gab
- Chris Langan - ThinkSpot
- Chris Langan on Substack Straight talk about Absolute Truth from the world's greatest (and most cancelled) living philosopher, Christopher Michael Langan.
- Mega Foundation on Substack The CTMU Teleologic Living Plan, a way-of-life program based on CTMU cosmology (9-step way-of-life program that applies the logic of the Golden Rule to each level of Stratified Identity.)
- Head over to Thankbox before Friday, July 28th, to post your thanks and get well message for Chris.
- Community sites
- CTMU Facebook group (Langan is participating, since May 23, 2017)
- ctmucommunity.org - this wiki!
- CTMU Commune Wiki - a wiki for aca-hippies!
- CTMU reddit board
- [1] - Unofficial CTMU-inspired blog
- [2] - The new CTMU blog!
- Fandom CTMU DatabaseWiki
- Langan, Christopher M. (2002). The Art of Knowing. Mega Press.
- Langan, Christopher M. (2019). Introduction to Quantum Metamechanics (QMM). Mega Foundation Press.
- Langan, Christopher (2020). FAQs About Reality: Chris Langan's Social Media Posts, Book 1: Quora Mega Foundation Press.
- Langan, Christopher Consider Supporting the Author of the CTMU and Sharing His Work as a Gift from among Six Titles Available on Amazon
- Langan, Christopher M. (2002). "The Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe: A New Kind of Reality Theory". Progress in Complexity, Information, and Design 1.2–1.3.
- Langan, Christopher M. (2004). "Cheating the Millennium: The Mounting Explanatory Debts of Scientific Naturalism". In Uncommon Dissent: Intellectuals Who Find Darwinism Unconvincing, edited by William Dembski. ISI Books. Google Doc Draft version
- Langan, Christopher M. (2017)."An Introduction to Mathematical Metaphysics". Cosmos and History 13(2). HTML version
- Langan, Christopher M. (2018). "Metareligion as the Human Singularity". Cosmos and History 14(1). HTML version
- Langan, Christopher M. (2018). "The Metaformal System: Completing the Theory of Language". Cosmos and History 14(2). HTML version
- Langan, Christopher M. (2019). "Introduction to Quantum Metamechanics (QMM)". Cosmos and History 15(2). QMM Paperback available on Amazon
- Langan, Christopher M. (2020). "The Reality Self-Simulation Principle: Reality is a Self-Simulation". Cosmos and History 16(1). HTML version
Articles and essays
- Langan, Christopher M. A Very Brief History of Time.
- Langan, Christopher M. The Theory of Theories.
- Langan, Christopher M. On Absolute Truth and Knowledge.
- Langan, Christopher M. Introduction to the CTMU.
- Langan, Christopher M. A Day in the Life of Jojo Einstein, Street Clown ~ Part II.
- Langan, Christopher M. The Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe as the Nexus of Spirituality and Cosmology.
- Langan, Christopher M. Flash from Deep Space: Supernews on Supernovas/Physics and Metaphysics.
- Langan, Christopher M. CTMU Diagrams
Early writings
- Hart, Eric (1989). Editorial, Brains as Models of Intelligence, On the Paradoxical Connection between Money and Brains, On the Differences between People, Birds, and Bees https://megasociety.org/noesis/41/ Noesis 41.
- Langan, Christopher M. (1989). "The Resolution of Newcomb's Paradox". Noesis 44.
- Langan, Christopher M. (1990). "The Resolution of Schrodinger's Paradox: Reality Research in the Computational Universe". Noesis 47.
- Langan, Christopher M. (1991). “On Metaprime Sequences” Noesis 60.
- Langan, Christopher M. (1992). "The Mathematical and Metaphysical Bases of Choice, Purpose, and Free Will". Noesis 71.
- Langan, Christopher M. (1992). "Letter on the Universality of Tautology and Metaphysics". Noesis 76.
- Langan, Christopher M. (1993). "Some Miscellaneous Implications of CTMU Structure". Noesis 79.
- Langan, Christopher M. (1993). "LETTERS TO AND FROM CHRIS LANGAN". Noesis 82.
- Langan, Christopher M. (1996). "News from Times Square and On Newcomb’s Paradox". "Noesis" 123.
- Langan, Christopher M. (1996). "Chris Langan Writes to Hoeflin, Cole, and Rosner". "Noesis" 121.
- Langan, Christopher M. (1997). "Some Q & A on The Resolution of Newcomb's Paradox". Noesis 130.
- Straight Talk About God
- Live Moderated Chat: Christopher Langan
- Discussion with a member of the HIQ community
- Langan on Quora
- Chris Langan’s Answers on Quora (Google Doc)
- Topica CTMU list - official e-mail list
- CTMU Q & A
- HIQ & A - CTMU and God
- ABCNEWS.com chat transcript
- Noesis - for CTMU discussion, see issues 44-46, 57-59, 62-63, and 76
- MegaBoard Discussions/ CTMU Forum - (Audiobook Version)
- Colloquy discussions (CML = Langan)
- Intelligence: Meaning and Measurements
- God, the Universe, and Theories of Everything
- On Nagarjuna and the Heart Sutra
- Altered States and Psi Phenomena (Part One)
- Altered States and Psi Phenomena (Part Two)
- On Society and Socialization
- Depression, Genetics, and Brain Physiology
- Survival Issues of the Twenty-first Century
- ISCID discussions - (Audiobook Version)
- Cosmogony, Holography and Causality
- Critical Questions
- CTMU and the Axiom of Choice
- Evolutionary Intelligence
- Karl D. Stephan: Tegmark’s Parallel Universes: A Challenge to Intelligent Design?
- On Progress, Readdressing Reality Theory, & Information in the Holographic Universe
- Organisms using GAs vs. Organisms being built by GAs
- T-Duality Universe
- Virtues of Scientists
- ISCID Live Moderated Chat 08/21/2002: Christopher Langan
- Blog Discussions -
- Two For One: Crackpot Physics and Crackpot Set Theory
- Another Crank comes to visit: The Cognitive Theoretic Model of the Universe
- Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter This Thread
- Langan’s “Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe” on Ben Goertzel's blog, October 2015 (scroll down for Langan's reply under blogger profile “Unknown”)
- Encyclopedia of American Loons #226: Christopher M. Langan
- heated debate between Chris, a close female companion, and a user that was censored / deleted from their forum in 2001
- Lessons From Langan The world’s smartest man responds to three comments: Vox Day January 21, 2022
- TV, radio, and online media
- Morris, Errol. (August 14, 2001). "The Smartest Man in the World" (part 1, part 2, part 3). First Person.
- Preston, Ray. (November 15, 2006). "Meet the Smartest Man in America". KMOV.
- Antonia, Maria. (April 30, 2007). "Smartest Man In America Lives In Missouri". KMBC.
- Mosley, Michael. (February 10, 2009). "Make Me... Smart" BBC.
- Simone, Rob. (December 28, 2012). "Mind & Reality". Coast to Coast AM.
- Jay T. (July 15, 2014). "World's Smartest Man Speaks Out!" (YouTube version) The People Speak. BBS Radio.
- Rick Montgomery (October 12, 2016). "Trump towers in Missouri’s Mercer County, which favors The Donald" The Kansas City Star.
- Dixon, Tom. (July 20, 2017). "Conversations: Spike Jonze and Christopher Langan". Multiplex.
- Finley, Louis. (July 28, 2017). "Heartland theorist finding God". KTVO.
- Marshall, Drew. (October 20, 2018). "Christopher Langan — Proving the Existence of God". The Drew Marshall Show.
- Patterson, Steve. (March 24, 2019). "The Highest IQ in America | Christopher Langan. Patterson in Pursuit.
- Harris Jr., David. (January 15, 2021). “Chris Langan Has the Highest IQ in the World! Listen to what he thinks about the election!” David J. Harris Jr. show.
- Jaimungal, Curt (July 14, 2021). “Chris Langan on IQ, The Singularity, Free Will, Psychedelics, CTMU, and God” (YouTube Audio/Video version) Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal. Host’s Website Audio-Only Version
- Jaimungal, Curt (September 13, 2021). “Noam Chomsky on Consciousness, Sam Harris, Husserl, and Kripkenstein” (Two Questions from Chris Langan) Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal.
- Simulation Series #785 (YouTube Interview)
- Woods, Keith (February 20, 2022). Chris Langan On Intelligence, God and Ultimate Reality
- Michael Knowles & Chris Langan (May 14, 2022). The Smartest Man in The World | TRAILER
- Jaimungal, Curt (August 15, 2022). Chris Langan Λ Bernardo Kastrup on Consciousness, Metaphysics, Computation, and God
- Knowles, Michael (Released June 30, 2022) - Michael & The Smartest Man In The World, Preview plus timestamps and links to the full 2-hour interview!
- Recorded July 31, 2022; Mature Audiences Chris Langan Presents on the Parasitic Divergence
- Keightly, Tommy August 6, 2023 - Chris Langan: IQ 210, Einstein’s 160. Highest In USA? Simulation Hypothesis, Genocide, Reality, Quantum Computing | Mscs Media #334
- Keightly, Tommy August 27, 2023 - MSCS Media: Chris Langan - Current Events - Tommy Keightly - CTMU
- YouTube and Video Streaming channels
- metaReligion - interviews and excerpts from CTMU teleconferences
- CTMUart - animations inspired by the CTMU
- Siagos - text-to-speech of Langan's writings
- ChrisLangan - Bitchute Mirror sans YouTube
- Chris Langan videos on Rumble
Mega Society/Mega Foundation's Journals
- "Noesis-E" (Mega Society)
- "Ubiquity" (Mega Foundation)
- "Noesis" (The Journal of the Mega Society, founded in 1982 by Dr. Ronald K. Hoeflin)
- “Noesis 104” (The Journal of the Mega Society, the Mostly Kevin Langdon Issue)
Media coverage
- Brabham, Dennis. (August 21, 2001) "The Smart Guy". Newsday.
- Gladwell, Malcolm. (2008) Outliers: The Story of Success. Little, Brown and Company. [Chapters 3 and 4 discuss Langan and mention the CTMU.]
- Grossman, Lev (2008) "Outliers: Malcolm Gladwell's Success Story". TIME.
- Langton, James "Excerpt from an Interview with Chris Langan". London Sunday Telegraph.
- Larsson, Mats (January 12, 2000) "Smartest in the world". Dagbladet (Note: this article was written in Norwegian)
- McFadden, Cynthia (December 9, 1999) "The Smart Guy". 20/20.
- McKinley, Ed. (February 8, 2021) "The Smartest Man in America?". Luckbox.
- O'Connell, Jeff (May 2001). "Mister Universe". Muscle & Fitness. (Note: use the red arrows to skim through the article)
- Quain, John R. (October 14, 2001) "Wise Guy". Popular Science.
- Ramp. "Chris Langan - the smartest guy in the world". Ramp (Note: this article was written in Swedish)
- Sager, Mike. (November 1999) "The Smartest Man in America". Esquire.
- SuperScholar (December 16, 2010) "Christopher M. Langan Interview". SuperScholar.
- UltraBoard. (January 9, 2000) "Interview with Christopher Michael". Ultranet.
- Wigmore, Barry (February 7, 2000) "Einstein's brain, King Kong's body". The Times.
- Staff Writer (December 24, 2020) “The Smartest Man In The World – IQ 200 – Is Convinced The U.S. Election Was Stolen.”. The National Pulse
- Ulysses S. Tennyson (December 27, 2020) “ The Smartest Man In The World Says Election ‘Obviously’ Stolen” 100percentfedup.com
- Staff Writer (January 27, 2021) 15 People Whose IQs Are Higher Than Albert Einstein’s and What They Do For a Living Bright Side
- Ed McKinley (February 8, 2021) The Smartest Man in America? luckbox
- Adan Salazar (June 18th 2021) “Smartest Man in America” Breaks Down Global Elite’s Vaccine Sterilization Agenda Infowars
- Staff Writer (June 19th 2021) ‘World’s Smartest Man’ with 210 IQ Urges Resistance to COVID Vax, ‘Depopulation Agenda’ Big League Politics
- Stefan Stanford (June 22nd, 2021) 'Mass-Scale Operation' To Exterminate Much Of The Human Race Confirmed: While The 'Elite' Consider Themselves The 'Master Race', They're Killing Off The Reproductive Capabilities Of Everyone Else - Vaccination Nation And The Dangerous Truth About The Globalists Slow Kill Agenda All News Pipeline
- Christopher Langan for All News Pipeline (June 29th, 2021) 'We Are Now A Beleaguered Worldwide Minority Threatened With Genocide, Fighting Against The Stuff Of Which Evil Is Made' - Although America And Liberty Are Under Fire, 'With God, All Things Are Possible' All News Pipeline
- John Farrell (May 23rd, 2007) In Wikipedia we trust?
- Kaleena Fraga (January 4th, 2022) The Strange Story Of Christopher Langan, The Former Bouncer Who Might Be The Smartest Man In The World
Third-party explanations
- Garrett, David Maurice. (August 24, 2020). "Explaining the Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe (CTMU)".
- Mize, Jonathan. (November 23, 2019). God versus Language: Contrasting Metaphysical Methods of Wittgenstein's Tractatus and Langan's CTMU.
- Mize, Jonathan. (March 3, 2020). "Semantics and Semiotics of the Explanation of Reality: A Brief Look into Some Semantic Properties of Langan’s CTMU".
- Tull, Tim. (November 14, 2016). "Explaining the CTMU (Cognitive Theoretic Model Of The Universe)."
- Tull, Tim. (November 6, 2018). "Explaining the Cognitive Theoretic Model of the Universe (CTMU) part 2: Mind equals Reality."
- Morelas, Alexandros. (MAY 16, 2020). "Explaining the CTMU (Cognitive Theoretic Model Of The Universe)"
Meetup Groups
The Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe London Group https://www.meetup.com/the-cognitive-theoretic-model-of-the-universe-london-group/
Related material
Work by Chris Langan which does not discuss the CTMU directly, but has connections to it.
- Langan, Christopher M. Zen and the Art of the Deal.
- Langan, Christopher M. Brains as Models of Intelligence.
- Langan, Christopher M. (2000). "Paradox Resolved: The Kraitchik and 2-Envelopes Paradoxes". Ubiquity.
- Langan, Christopher M. (2000). "The Resolution of Economic Paradox: Toward a Theory of Economic Relativity".
- Langan, Christopher M. (2001). "Self-Reference, and Computational Complexity" from Noesis-E, Vol. 1, no. 1
- "On Ayn Rand's Philosophy". - by Christopher Michael Langan
- "Anthrax and the Common Man: Forewarned is Forearmed". - by Christopher Michael Langan
- "On High-Ceiling Intelligence Tests". - by Christopher Michael Langan
- "The State of the HIQ World: Genius versus Academia". - by Christopher Michael Langan
- "IQ, IEQ and Intelligence". - by Christopher Michael Langan
- "ViloX Search On The Fly Technology". - An Overview by Christopher M. Langan
- "Discussions on Genius and Intelligence" - Mega Foundation Interview with Arthur Jensen
- "The Church of Teleology of Multiplex Unity", a nonprofit religious-purpose corporation founded by Langan on 1993 and currently dormant (as mentioned here).
- “By Way of Explanation” by C.M. Langan
- “Which came first...” by C.M. Langan
- “Millennium Mouse: An Ecological Parable” by C.M. Langan
- “The Global Consciousness Project: An Interview with Roger Nelson” by Gina Lynne LoSasso and Christopher Michael Langan
- "On Langan’s Theory Of Theories." by Latour, Pierre R.
- The Portable Chris Langan Compilation from Various Sources
Unofficial Translations, Foreign Language CTMU Content, Audiobooks Generally
Unofficial Ukrainian and Russian translations of "An Introduction to Mathematical Metaphysics" paper:
- [UA] [3]
- [RU] [4]
Unofficial Ukrainian and Russian translations of "The Metaformal System: Completing the Theory of Language" paper:
- [UA] [5]
- [RU] [6]
Chris Langan's CTMU - Audiobook - OpenAI's TTS https://youtu.be/w6NNhlM7pMU?si=VPiYTqAhospsLeE0
Крис Ланган - Вселенная как замысел Бога - CTMU https://youtu.be/XjZbHnU4_2Y?si=JY6J4u6lhu7eRt7O
Le Modèle Théorique-Cognitif de l’Univers : Un nouveau type de théorie de la réalité https://ia803109.us.archive.org/25/items/ctmutradfr20191005/CTMU-TradFR-20191005.pdf
Alternative-Media References, Explainer Videos, CTMU Advocacy, Apologetics, Sympathy, Criticism and Activism, Open-Letters and Fora
- October 21, 2015 Ask a science teacher: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? By | Fox News citing Chris Langan
Mathematical Metaphysics (YouTube Channel) https://youtube.com/channel/UCl4nmBxv3CyQja8b2QWzk6g/videos
CTMUist (Bitchute Channel) https://www.bitchute.com/channel/DLNouD3fSemo/
CTMUist (YouTube Channel) https://youtube.com/@ctmuist
“ArtiFact #23: Sciolism – Jordan B. Peterson, Christopher Langan, Athena Walker & Quora Experts
Over the past decade, pretenders such as Jordan B. Peterson, Joe Rogan, Sam Harris, the latter-day Richard Dawkins, Christopher Langan, Ben Shapiro, as well as their liberal counterparts have taken attention away from those with genuine ideas to impart. In this video, Alex Sheremet and Dan Schneider comb through these sciolists’ aesthetics, their claims, their craving for an ever-expanding audience of know-nothings, and various intellectual traps they’ve laid for themselves in the quest for pelf.” https://youtu.be/9e0sb886l1Y
Is Christopher Langan A Fraud? https://youtu.be/r5jVgsdAim8
Debunking Chris Langan and the CTMU https://www.patreon.com/garywhitehall
Transentience (CTMU animations) https://youtube.com/c/Transentience
Two Possible Futures for Humanity Is the dark WEF globalist transhuman future dystopia inevitable? Robert W Malone MD, MS https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/two-possible-futures-for-humanity?autoPlay=true
Big Tech Totalitarianism and the "Poneric Telon" Chris Langan on dual singularities and the coming reality split https://ponerology.substack.com/p/big-tech-totalitarianism-and-the
The CTMU in 5 Questions - #PaCE1 https://youtu.be/mwgepVI98Hs
Chris Langan on IQ, The Singularity, Free Will, Psychedelics, CTMU, and God https://www.actualized.org/forum/topic/90913-chris-langan-on-iq-the-singularity-free-will-psychedelics-ctmu-and-god/?page=2
The 'One' Word of CTMU: Telesis https://youtu.be/8fG8jOrl9uc
{Open Letter} The Theological Model of CTMU : What ‘Holopantheism’ Actually Means [Corrective to Myself] https://gwilford.substack.com/p/open-letter-the-theological-model
CTMU discussion on 4Chan (4/29/23) https://boards.4channel.org/sci/thread/15403457/ctmu
CTMU Singularity channel https://youtube.com/@CTMUSINGULARITY
Dan Schneider on Errol Morris Punks and Punctures Chris Langan https://youtu.be/x8tiYuO4P-o
“In existographies, Christopher Langan (1952-) (DN:1) (CIR:24) (CR:33) is an American autodidact, with a claimed IQ of 190 to 210 (2001), notable as a weed theorist who since circa 1990 as been promoting anti-reductionism (i.e. he argues for "informational reductionism", the view that the basis of reality is not matter and energy, but information), self-motion anthropic principle teleology-themed theory of intelligent design in order to prove the existence of god, via recourse a hodgepodge of standard melting plot theory + ontic opening polemics, namely: complexity theory, information theory, self-organization theory, Markoff processes (i.e. chance), via citation to fellow creationists such as David Berlinski (CIR:19), Michael Behe (CIR:1), William Dembski (CIR:5), intermixed with ideas of John Wheeler (quantum information), Kurt Godel (incompleteness), and David Bohm (holographic universe).” https://www.eoht.info/page/Christopher%20Langan
“@GREGMWILFORD Tirelessly working through of First Order Theology and Philosophy (especially towards Christian Metaphysics and the CTMU); Writing also on Political Theory, History, and Finance Economics. Follow here for Meta-analysis of all these Things.” https://substack.com/@gregmwilford
Bringing the Mathematician Into the Equation: A New Direction for Metamathematics https://www.academia.edu/46538997/Bringing_the_Mathematician_Into_the_Equation_A_New_Direction_for_Metamathematics?email_work_card=title
4Chan Thread - 8/6/23 https://boards.4channel.org/lit/thread/22346683/ctmu-thread
Christopher Langan (Rational Wiki) https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Christopher_Langan
Reality Principle Musings on the CTMU and related topics. https://tommygoloboy.substack.com/?mibextid=Zxz2cZ
CTMU Guide: Simplified Explanation for Beginners https://eightify.app/summary/philosophy-and-science/ctmu-guide-simplified-explanation-for-beginners
CTMU MOVEMENT—How to Lead a Team of CTMU Scientists and Diffuse a Philosophy into Civilization; Our ‘Why’ I hope to make ‘second nature’ to Our Compatriots, that We are to establish a Pillar of Truth in the Heart of All Science, the CTMU as an Institute of All Science. https://gregmwilford.substack.com/p/ctmu-movementhow-to-lead-a-team-of
Skeletons of a CTMU Unified Field Theory by Thomas Goloboy https://docs.google.com/document/d/1a-AXjkUQsaHW1eszCwbFJsDSQMCEwACPUHTo1bPhDQE/edit
Time and Existence: Skeletons of A New Theory of Quantum Gravity https://www.academia.edu/114176476/Time_and_Existence_Skeletons_of_A_New_Theory_of_Quantum_Gravity?fbclid=IwAR2loaOXQ5yBDpVsrVOLBTVTc_0CqD9d7c_srWethSpTwdDz72k_mYVa-uM
Reading Chris Langan’s CTMU (Ars Philosophica) https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsWa_2kuej5fNhNTt9tMrOtuncnmHvXsH&si=Es9SCyj99ekpNmAp
CTMU Stratified Identity vs. Intersectionality—On the Matrix of Historical Crime and Culpability [Proofing Good vs. Evil] https://gregmwilford.substack.com/p/ctmu-stratified-identity-vs-intersectionalityon
Chris Langan & Michael Knowles: Forbidden Interview https://www.youtube.com/live/rgwnSJ3FPPs?si=aRxJtXaVM75otjOA
Theory of Every0ne with Tyler Goldstein https://youtube.com/@theoryofevery0ne?si=SRtlZdY58uPZ7g55
CTMU Sage Bot that guides users in understanding the Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe By Ryan Tannahill https://chat.openai.com/g/g-jUg7XeqS9
CTMU Explorer Expert in quantum physics and philosophy, specializing in Langan's CTMU By EnterMaurs Incorporated https://chat.openai.com/g/g-8Ocph5dq9
Theory Of Everything CTMU (Valentinxz) https://youtu.be/-12XzGvb2Xc?si=948P5WH5U5guPbha
A Facebook group member’s visualization of some CTMU concepts https://www.facebook.com/groups/ctmurealitytheory/permalink/10156938893537486/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v
Holy Math (CTMU advocacy channel) https://youtube.com/@holymathradio
Sacrées mathématiques ! https://youtube.com/@sacreesmathematiquesradio?si=hG80xb3B0TDQRxHj
Christian Metaphysician, CTMU Advocate/Paladin, Idealist Philosopher, Political Science Analyst, WW2 History Enthusiast, and Finance Economics Writer https://castbox.fm/channel/id5717328?country=us
Conversation with Bard AI on Context, Consciousness, and the CTMU https://medium.com/@JakeWilund/conversation-with-bard-ai-on-context-consciousness-and-the-ctmu-e2029bda6edd
CTMU, are any of you familiar? https://www.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/s/2Q7Lio7udr
Digital Vent https://youtube.com/@digitalventvideos/shorts
Galahad Eridanus on The CTMU https://youtu.be/HPyIN8vAfPw?si=BaXhXLx_bVrBLn0S
SYN-AI: CTMU, Dual-Aspect Monism and Reality https://youtu.be/_vDPf42BARs?si=Yn2kcdUS6kv-GupX
CTMU-Adapted version of the Lord's Prayer https://youtu.be/1_4rkOCgw2I?si=i_EyhNSddji5-nbc
Did a New York bouncer create the Ultimate Theory of Reality? CTMU Expla... https://youtu.be/CykhGMVYIt4?si=qg-U_DnBxGpogFZb
Musings on the possibility of a CTMU boundary of the universe https://patrickodowd96.substack.com/p/musings-on-the-possibility-of-a-ctmu?fbclid=IwAR33KdwqR3pWve9m-PwV_dFrHe9VZA5EUCDSnridBqjkXJJ1iMZJzNJzd_c
The CTMU (The Theory Of Everything), song suggestions, and a decent smoke and chill. (Warning age restricted: A black person with dreadlocks on drugs discussing the CTMU for over an hour) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cAsCQe4uPo8
AI Alignment and the Distributed Second Coming of Christ -- Alex Zhu, Ben Goldhaber, Divia Eden https://youtu.be/WX1wpgyLA9o?si=H019sl4jmpFKoJaE
Debunking CTMU critics: TMM https://youtu.be/rD3qzycLxk0?si=fPutoKK4gGOhA4SM
A landscape of consciousness: Toward a taxonomy of explanations and implications (Robert Lawrence Kuhn mentions Chris Langan’s CTMU) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0079610723001128?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2tFW5wNGYnn4rcLUk6qKIfAavouLtBjEAC0ILCcO1BISHHGrOeE0XJgaA_aem_oFoUo2JkcmcO0LOE-kK6jg
“There is already a French server where people formalize the CTMU, what you just mentioned is already done in a more exhaustive way by a person from this server : https://discord.gg/6SBcyfCX
I leave you an access link, if you do not understand French, do not hesitate to ask for an English version. There was a 5-page formalization doc on the Principle of Attributive Duality published a few days ago.”
CTMU Exploration (channel) https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWcbrEhmt9KY5J_wvQNmaHUCjMECgpUzd&si=ywZgvRGBvGvNp_ms
Did a New York Bouncer Logically Prove the Existence of God? CTMU https://youtu.be/_TPkMQ16Ibc?si=Ab3VaASopYXMb-qZ
A Proof of the CTMU - Sketch https://prudentia-club.blogspot.com/2024/09/a-proof-of-ctmu.html?m=1
Integrating Mathematical and Logical Reasoning to Establish the Existence of God: A Multidisciplinary Scientific and Philosophical Approach https://prudentia-club.blogspot.com/2024/03/integrating-mathematical-and-logical.html?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0GZgJNbqxDPCpeb6XII8lyaFZpQCa_9ckz1Q-yDuhyFj5JK-QfGnAT3nM_aem_gOu0LSFfwihCVrvi9mFesQ&m=1
Q & A Chris Langan -CTMU, Favorite Books, The American Phoenix Project, etc. https://youtu.be/hckcQV097PY?si=kP0PdY_hFchN_oa1
CTMU Discussions Otherwise Banned and At-Risk of Deletion by Chris Langan’s Public Identity Moderation Team
The Universal Geometric Set (2004) https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/the-universal-geometric-set.30383/
Zachary R.J. Strong: Judaism and the CTMU | Reality Principle Ep. 10 https://youtu.be/pWbFYXBMWwE?si=tv2bc5S6xxD2RO2S
“I remember the Asmodeous incident from way back, and had saved this comment made at the time apparently by Mr. Langan:
"Caution - this article is misleading An interesting little article, if only because it is almost completely misleading in its references to me, my wife, and my ideas, and the use of those references to exemplify Wikipedia’s problem with “narcissistic cranks” and “questionable theories”. The actual facts of the case cited by Mr. Farrell can be found in pages accessible from those linked above, and they do not weigh in Wikipedia’s favor. Suffice it to say that Wikipedia's worst problem is not cranks and their theories, but its huge and growing population of anonymous trolls, vandals, and fake "experts", many of whom function as Wikipedia administrators.
Lest anyone be given the wrong impression, neither I nor my wife has ever introduced an article on me or the CTMU to Wikipedia. Those articles were authored, and signed, by others with no known connection to us. As regards the editing of existing articles, the rules of Wikipedia, while discouraging "conflicts of interest", explicitly allow the subjects of Wikipedia articles to remove defamation and correct falsehoods regarding themselves, their ideas, and their activities (obviously, prohibiting such corrections could lead to serious legal and ethical difficulties for Wikipedia). Although the Wikipedia Arbitration Committee does not always respect those rules, certain militant editors and outright trolls who had been pseudonymously using the encyclopedia to attack my reputation and ideas were ultimately warned to desist by the head of the Wikimedia Foundation.
Of course, like everyone else, those who run Cosmos magazine are welcome to their opinions, no matter how uninformed or premature they may be. However, I respectfully suggest that its editors, editorial advisors, and executives be a bit more careful regarding the possible long-term effects of such disparaging articles. Responsible intellectual commerce has no room for veiled accusations and snide insinuations like those exemplified above.
Incidentally, should any scientist or philosopher on the staff of Cosmos ever wish to take open, reasoned, non-pseudonymous exception to any technical statement actually made or written by me and invite a response, I welcome him or her to do so. If nothing else, the readers of Cosmos might find such an exchange instructive. But in any event, rumor-based, content-deficient articles like this have very little relevance to science, cosmology, or anything legitimately related to them.
Christopher M. Langan”
Submitted by C.M. Langan on 5 August 2007 - 6:38am. reply" http://www.cosmosmagazine.com/features/online/1339/in-wikipedia-we-trust?page=1
High-IQ Rankings, Genetic/Ancestral Profiles of Charimastic Authorities, Estimators in Popular Media and Click-Bait Bios
5 Signs Of A Highly Intelligent Person — From The Smartest Man In America https://www.yourtango.com/self/signs-high-intelligence-smartest-man-america
Fact-Check: Unsuccessful Life of the World's Smartest Man Alive - Christopher Langan https://knowinsiders.com/fact-check-unsuccessful-life-of-the-worlds-smartest-man-alive-christopher-langan-37538.html
Adhara is a gifted Mexican child who has her destiny written in her name https://youtu.be/39KeYwRJ2o4
“In genius studies, Mega Test IQ corresponds to an IQ assigned to a person by extrapolation of their score on a Mega Test, a 48 question test designed by American philosopher Ronald Hoeflin in the early 1980s.” https://www.eoht.info/page/Mega%20Test%20IQ
“Christopher Michael Langan was born in 1952 in San Francisco , California but spent most of his childhood in Montana. His mother, Mary Langan-Hansen (née Chappelle July 20, 1932 - July 1, 2014), was the daughter of a wealthy shipping executive but was cut off from her family. His biological father, Melvin Letman (a U.S. Marine who was 100% Russian Jewish), died or disappeared before he was born. Owing to a combination of severed family ties and an absent father figure for her children, Mary was often pressured to adopt an economically itinerant lifestyle on behalf of her four children. This meant frequently living on violent Indian reservations in conditions of extreme poverty. [7][8] During elementary school, Langan was repeatedly skipped ahead and was tormented by his peers. Langan claims he was brutally beaten by his stepfather, Jack Langan. Jack Langan denies this claim.” https://steemit.com/history/@fizzygold/the-smartest-man-in-the-world
“Ronny Decorte, a geneticist from the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium, tested relatives of Adolf Hitler and determined that the Fürher belonged to haplogroup E1b1b. Ironically this haplogroup thought to be at the origin of Afro-Asiatic languages, which includes the Semitic languages and peoples that Hitler despised so much.” https://www.eupedia.com/europe/Haplogroup_E1b1b_Y-DNA.shtml
Here are some columns where the original answer published by Marilyn is clearly wrong, with clear and simple explanations. In some cases, Marilyn has published a correction, but in most cases, the error was noted here first. https://wiskit.com/marilyn/marilyn.html
- 2049- Coleman Hughes
The Joe Rogan Experience (mentions Chris Langan) https://open.spotify.com/episode/6gr1cKBE8VywXpVlMdisDm
(Summary under 15 minutes of above) https://youtu.be/SNEJmcZWFEc?si=OvXn3Gm8iMBLsdGl
TOP 10 Highest IQ in the World for 2024 https://plattevalley.newschannelnebraska.com/story/50896312/top-10-highest-iq-in-the-world-for-2024
Famous Historical Genius IQs (With Their Ancestral Genealogies) https://www.geni.com/projects/Famous-Historical-Genius-IQs/35523
Calculating Genealogical (or at least Geographical) Distances Between Chris Langan and Historical/Contemporary Figures
Chris M Langan's mother's father: (1896 Wales - 1960 San Francisco) https://www.geni.com/people/Thomas-Chappell/6000000043047921284
Carolus 'Magnus' d'Aquitaine, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire (Karolinger), Rex Francorum & Imperator Romanorum https://www.geni.com/people/Charlemagne/6000000002457013227
Today Langan says Francis Bacon (1561 – 1626) was his First Cousin 15 times removed which means one of his parents had to be 400 years old.
"Times removed" is a way to describe the number of generations between two people in a family tree. For example, if you and your first cousin are not in the same generation, you are "once removed". If you are two generations higher or lower, you are "twice removed". A cousin is a relative that is the child of a parent's sibling; this is more specifically referred to as a first cousin.
AryanOverlord (talk) 21:47, 3 September 2024 (UTC) AryanOverlord
Sir Francis Bacon, 1st and last Viscount St Alban's (genealogy) https://www.geni.com/people/Sir-Francis-Bacon-1st-and-last-Viscount-St-Alban-s/6000000006444780288
Christopher Michael Langan (records only exist for his matrilineal genealogy) https://www.geni.com/people/Christopher-Langan/6000000043047400162
Francis Bacon https://gw.geneanet.org/tdowling?lang=en&n=bacon&p=francis
Cousin Calculator https://www.genealogyexplained.com/basics/cousin-calculator/
Francis Bacon MP (1561 - 1626) [wikitree] https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Bacon-562
“Answer and Explanation: No, Francis Bacon did not have any children. He was married to Alice Barnham when he was 45 years old, but the couple never had children. Today, several historians believe that, in spite of his marriage to Barnham, Bacon was actually gay.” https://homework.study.com/explanation/did-francis-bacon-have-any-children.html
“Wilfred and Alice were first cousins. Wilfred didn’t marry and had no children. Alice had descendants, and each was a first cousin something-times-removed (meaning one generation further down)
Wilfred and Alice - first cousins
Wilfred and Betty (Alice’s child) - first cousins once removed
Wilfred and Charles (Betty’s child) - first cousins 2x removed
Wilfred and Diane (Charles’ child) - first cousins 3x removed
Wilfred and Edith (Diane’s child) - first cousins 4x removed
Wilfred and Freddie (Edith’s child) - first cousins 5x removed
Wilfred and George (Freddie’s child) - first cousins 6x removed
Wilfred and Hannah (George’s child) - first cousins 7x removed” https://www.quora.com/What-s-a-first-cousin-7x-removed/answer/Celine-Monaghan?ch=17&oid=388715183&share=ee873107&srid=3mYo71&target_type=answer
Langan’s earliest recorded ancestor I found so far is NN Graves down his mother’s mother’s side and was born in the mid-16th Century in Hertford, England, and his son Deacon George Graves was born in Hartford, Connecticut in 1605.
DEACON GEORGE GRAVES from 1636 Settler of Hartford, Connecticut and His Descendants https://keeperofthefamily.com/stories/deacon_george_graves/
AryanOverlord (talk) 13:54, 5 September 2024 (UTC) AryanOverlord
“Hertford is the county town of Hertfordshire, England, and is also a civil parish in the East Hertfordshire district of the county.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hertford
“On the 22nd of this month it will be exactly 462 years since the birth of one of Hertfordshire’s most famous figures, Sir Francis Bacon.
Bacon was born in January 1561 at York House near the Strand in London. If his family connections were anything to go by, he was destined for great things. Not only was Francis the son of Sir Nicholas Bacon who was Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, he was the grandson of the humanist Anthony Cooke. As an added bonus his aunt was married to William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley, who was an incredibly important player in the court of Queen Elizabeth I. … Francis also played a leading role in establishing the British colonies in North America, especially in Virginia, the Carolinas and Newfoundland in northeastern Canada. Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States even wrote that Bacon was ‘one of the greatest men who had ever lived’.
Francis was made Baron Verulam in 1618, and Viscount of St Albans in 1621. His influence over the King eventually inspired resentment in many of his peers. Some of his enemies were waiting to pounce – and pounce they did in 1621 when Francis was accused of – and admitted- accepting bribes in his parliamentary and legal work.
Among the items he was said to have accepted were gold buttons and expensive draperies for his home. These transgressions saw him fined £40,000, banished from the court and even imprisoned in the Tower of London for a few days.
Though later pardoned by the king, Francis was effectively ‘cancelled’. His public life ended in disgrace. It was during this trying time that Francis retired to Old Gorhambury House in Hertfordshire. Here he pursued his literary endeavours, working on pieces such as “New Atlantis”, “The History of Life and Death” and “the History of Henry VII”.” https://www.hertsad.co.uk/news/24064270.sir-francis-bacon-born/#
There is a connection to Francis Bacon’s retirement home and Hertford where Langan’s earliest ancestor is traced to, making Sir Anthony Cooke the oldest intellectual person he has some geographical connection to (not necessarily an indication of a genetic one.)
Sir Anthony Cooke, KB (June 1501 – 11 June 1576) was an English humanist scholar. He was tutor to Edward VI. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Cooke
AryanOverlord (talk) 14:15, 5 September 2024 (UTC) AryanOverlord
“The county has a rich intellectual history, and many writers of major importance, from Geoffrey Chaucer to Beatrix Potter, have connections there. Quite a number of prime ministers were born or grew up in Hertfordshire.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Hertfordshire
Chronology of Chris Langan’s (Perceived) Net Worth, Posts, Gabs, Tweets, Facebook Posts, Forum Replies and Interview Clips (wherein he may have replied to comments)
Quantum Brainstorming (SEP 12, 2023 ∙ PAID) https://chrislangan.substack.com/p/quantum-brainstorming
Same Discussion, Different Thread (Quantum Computation OCT 16, 2023 ∙ PAID) https://chrislangan.substack.com/p/same-discussion-different-thread
Man With 200 IQ Gives Theory on Reality (CTMU Explained) https://youtu.be/LeDm633T-_U?si=-OjzOU9X3oc-HuVN
Man With 200 IQ Says Death Isn’t the End https://youtu.be/9EZ-1dcc_Sc?si=x6fvS16kbXcOYW3r
Beyond "Beyond Good and Evil" What are good and evil, and what is the nature of the Beast? (CHRIS LANGAN DEC 11, 2023 ∙ PAID)
Believe it or not, modern academic philosophers have reached a working consensus on good and evil: “They don’t exist.” As most of them see it, what is good for one group can be bad for others (especially “protected communities”), and insofar as the good-evil distinction seems inconsistent with diversity, equity, and inclusion, good and evil are meaningless.” https://chrislangan.substack.com/p/beyond-beyond-good-and-evil
Consciousness Defined By Man With 200 IQ https://youtu.be/I4f9Q0Cejq4?si=kFjAKxbmD1BmIBSN
World's Smartest Man On The Multiverse Theory https://youtu.be/LeQ2B_g56JI?si=XjcTE6oqvfpwPvus
Chris Langan’s CTMU https://youtu.be/KFqZ9U02B5Q?si=i1IRifO6QzhYKv0k
Chris Langan - CTMU Briefly Explained - TOE https://youtu.be/NCQev0Z-iGU?si=Qs283edwrcTuxj0_
The Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe: A Partial Summary and Review (3/27/2024) https://www.greaterwrong.com/posts/pzmRDnoi4mNtqu6Ji/the-cognitive-theoretic-model-of-the-universe-a-partial
Christopher Langan Net Worth 2024: $1.5 Million https://www.iamgoldpanda.com/christopher-langan-net-worth-2024/
“The man with the alleged higest IQ in the US (Christopher Langan) earns $6000 per year. What does that tell you about the validity and applicability of IQ tests? (2010)…Since when did a persons salary have anything to do with their intelligence ?” https://gamedev.net/forums/topic/584789-i-dont-believe-that-this-is-the-smartest-man-in-the-world/4718761/
u/ChrisLangan https://www.reddit.com/u/ChrisLangan/s/Qqk0NBA26W