CTMU sources

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This page lists sources containing information about Chris Langan's Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe (CTMU).




Articles and essays

Early writings



Mega Society/Mega Foundation's Journals

  • "Noesis-E" (Mega Society)
  • "Ubiquity" (Mega Foundation)
  • "Noesis" (The Journal of the Mega Society, founded in 1982 by Dr. Ronald K. Hoeflin)
  • “Noesis 104” (The Journal of the Mega Society, the Mostly Kevin Langdon Issue)

Media coverage

Third-party explanations

Meetups, Groups, Clubs, Popularizers, Independent Community Forums

The Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe London Group https://www.meetup.com/the-cognitive-theoretic-model-of-the-universe-london-group/

Join the CTMU Club (Free) By Tommy Goloboy

Step into the future of thought. Explore reality’s deepest truths, connect with visionaries, and transform your understanding of existence. 🚀 Your journey starts here. https://www.skool.com/compatriots/about

Luke Skywalker https://medium.com/@mcphailsamuel

CTMU Community Forum (ProBoards is the largest host of free forums on the Internet.) https://ctmucommunity.freeforums.net/

Related material

Work by Chris Langan which does not discuss the CTMU directly, but has connections to it.

Other & Non-related resources

Unofficial Translations, Foreign Language CTMU Content, Audiobooks Generally

Unofficial Ukrainian and Russian translations of "An Introduction to Mathematical Metaphysics" paper:

Unofficial Ukrainian and Russian translations of "The Metaformal System: Completing the Theory of Language" paper:

Unofficial Ukrainian translation of "Introduction to Quantum Metamechanics (QMM)" paper:

Chris Langan's CTMU - Audiobook - OpenAI's TTS https://youtu.be/w6NNhlM7pMU?si=VPiYTqAhospsLeE0

Крис Ланган - Вселенная как замысел Бога - CTMU https://youtu.be/XjZbHnU4_2Y?si=JY6J4u6lhu7eRt7O

Le Modèle Théorique-Cognitif de l’Univers : Un nouveau type de théorie de la réalité https://ia803109.us.archive.org/25/items/ctmutradfr20191005/CTMU-TradFR-20191005.pdf

Introduction to the CTMU: Polish–English Edition https://megafoundation.substack.com/cp/152205763

Alternative-Media References, Explainer Videos, CTMU Advocacy, Apologetics, Sympathy, Criticism and Activism, Open-Letters and Fora

Mathematical Metaphysics (YouTube Channel) https://youtube.com/channel/UCl4nmBxv3CyQja8b2QWzk6g/videos

CTMUist (Bitchute Channel) https://www.bitchute.com/channel/DLNouD3fSemo/

CTMUist (YouTube Channel) https://youtube.com/@ctmuist

“ArtiFact #23: Sciolism – Jordan B. Peterson, Christopher Langan, Athena Walker & Quora Experts

Over the past decade, pretenders such as Jordan B. Peterson, Joe Rogan, Sam Harris, the latter-day Richard Dawkins, Christopher Langan, Ben Shapiro, as well as their liberal counterparts have taken attention away from those with genuine ideas to impart. In this video, Alex Sheremet and Dan Schneider comb through these sciolists’ aesthetics, their claims, their craving for an ever-expanding audience of know-nothings, and various intellectual traps they’ve laid for themselves in the quest for pelf.” https://youtu.be/9e0sb886l1Y

Is Christopher Langan A Fraud? https://youtu.be/r5jVgsdAim8

Debunking Chris Langan and the CTMU https://www.patreon.com/garywhitehall

Transentience (CTMU animations) https://youtube.com/c/Transentience

Two Possible Futures for Humanity Is the dark WEF globalist transhuman future dystopia inevitable? Robert W Malone MD, MS https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/two-possible-futures-for-humanity?autoPlay=true

Big Tech Totalitarianism and the "Poneric Telon" Chris Langan on dual singularities and the coming reality split https://ponerology.substack.com/p/big-tech-totalitarianism-and-the

The CTMU in 5 Questions - #PaCE1 https://youtu.be/mwgepVI98Hs

Chris Langan on IQ, The Singularity, Free Will, Psychedelics, CTMU, and God https://www.actualized.org/forum/topic/90913-chris-langan-on-iq-the-singularity-free-will-psychedelics-ctmu-and-god/?page=2

The 'One' Word of CTMU: Telesis https://youtu.be/8fG8jOrl9uc

{Open Letter} The Theological Model of CTMU : What ‘Holopantheism’ Actually Means [Corrective to Myself] https://gwilford.substack.com/p/open-letter-the-theological-model

CTMU discussion on 4Chan (4/29/23) https://boards.4channel.org/sci/thread/15403457/ctmu

CTMU Singularity channel https://youtube.com/@CTMUSINGULARITY

Dan Schneider on Errol Morris Punks and Punctures Chris Langan https://youtu.be/x8tiYuO4P-o

“In existographies, Christopher Langan (1952-) (DN:1) (CIR:24) (CR:33) is an American autodidact, with a claimed IQ of 190 to 210 (2001), notable as a weed theorist who since circa 1990 as been promoting anti-reductionism (i.e. he argues for "informational reductionism", the view that the basis of reality is not matter and energy, but information), self-motion anthropic principle teleology-themed theory of intelligent design in order to prove the existence of god, via recourse a hodgepodge of standard melting plot theory + ontic opening polemics, namely: complexity theory, information theory, self-organization theory, Markoff processes (i.e. chance), via citation to fellow creationists such as David Berlinski (CIR:19), Michael Behe (CIR:1), William Dembski (CIR:5), intermixed with ideas of John Wheeler (quantum information), Kurt Godel (incompleteness), and David Bohm (holographic universe).” https://www.eoht.info/page/Christopher%20Langan

“@GREGMWILFORD Tirelessly working through of First Order Theology and Philosophy (especially towards Christian Metaphysics and the CTMU); Writing also on Political Theory, History, and Finance Economics. Follow here for Meta-analysis of all these Things.” https://substack.com/@gregmwilford

Bringing the Mathematician Into the Equation: A New Direction for Metamathematics https://www.academia.edu/46538997/Bringing_the_Mathematician_Into_the_Equation_A_New_Direction_for_Metamathematics?email_work_card=title

4Chan Thread - 8/6/23 https://boards.4channel.org/lit/thread/22346683/ctmu-thread

Christopher Langan (Rational Wiki) https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Christopher_Langan

Reality Principle Musings on the CTMU and related topics. https://tommygoloboy.substack.com/?mibextid=Zxz2cZ

CTMU Guide: Simplified Explanation for Beginners https://eightify.app/summary/philosophy-and-science/ctmu-guide-simplified-explanation-for-beginners

CTMU MOVEMENT—How to Lead a Team of CTMU Scientists and Diffuse a Philosophy into Civilization; Our ‘Why’ I hope to make ‘second nature’ to Our Compatriots, that We are to establish a Pillar of Truth in the Heart of All Science, the CTMU as an Institute of All Science. https://gregmwilford.substack.com/p/ctmu-movementhow-to-lead-a-team-of

Skeletons of a CTMU Unified Field Theory by Thomas Goloboy https://docs.google.com/document/d/1a-AXjkUQsaHW1eszCwbFJsDSQMCEwACPUHTo1bPhDQE/edit

Time and Existence: Skeletons of A New Theory of Quantum Gravity https://www.academia.edu/114176476/Time_and_Existence_Skeletons_of_A_New_Theory_of_Quantum_Gravity?fbclid=IwAR2loaOXQ5yBDpVsrVOLBTVTc_0CqD9d7c_srWethSpTwdDz72k_mYVa-uM

Reading Chris Langan’s CTMU (Ars Philosophica) https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsWa_2kuej5fNhNTt9tMrOtuncnmHvXsH&si=Es9SCyj99ekpNmAp

CTMU Stratified Identity vs. Intersectionality—On the Matrix of Historical Crime and Culpability [Proofing Good vs. Evil] https://gregmwilford.substack.com/p/ctmu-stratified-identity-vs-intersectionalityon

Chris Langan & Michael Knowles: Forbidden Interview https://www.youtube.com/live/rgwnSJ3FPPs?si=aRxJtXaVM75otjOA

Theory of Every0ne with Tyler Goldstein https://youtube.com/@theoryofevery0ne?si=SRtlZdY58uPZ7g55

CTMU Sage Bot that guides users in understanding the Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe By Ryan Tannahill https://chat.openai.com/g/g-jUg7XeqS9

CTMU Explorer Expert in quantum physics and philosophy, specializing in Langan's CTMU By EnterMaurs Incorporated https://chat.openai.com/g/g-8Ocph5dq9

Theory Of Everything CTMU (Valentinxz) https://youtu.be/-12XzGvb2Xc?si=948P5WH5U5guPbha

A Facebook group member’s visualization of some CTMU concepts https://www.facebook.com/groups/ctmurealitytheory/permalink/10156938893537486/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v

Holy Math (CTMU advocacy channel) https://youtube.com/@holymathradio

Sacrées mathématiques ! https://youtube.com/@sacreesmathematiquesradio?si=hG80xb3B0TDQRxHj

Christian Metaphysician, CTMU Advocate/Paladin, Idealist Philosopher, Political Science Analyst, WW2 History Enthusiast, and Finance Economics Writer https://castbox.fm/channel/id5717328?country=us

Conversation with Bard AI on Context, Consciousness, and the CTMU https://medium.com/@JakeWilund/conversation-with-bard-ai-on-context-consciousness-and-the-ctmu-e2029bda6edd

CTMU, are any of you familiar? https://www.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/s/2Q7Lio7udr

Digital Vent https://youtube.com/@digitalventvideos/shorts

Galahad Eridanus on The CTMU https://youtu.be/HPyIN8vAfPw?si=BaXhXLx_bVrBLn0S

SYN-AI: CTMU, Dual-Aspect Monism and Reality https://youtu.be/_vDPf42BARs?si=Yn2kcdUS6kv-GupX

CTMU-Adapted version of the Lord's Prayer https://youtu.be/1_4rkOCgw2I?si=i_EyhNSddji5-nbc

Did a New York bouncer create the Ultimate Theory of Reality? CTMU Expla... https://youtu.be/CykhGMVYIt4?si=qg-U_DnBxGpogFZb

Musings on the possibility of a CTMU boundary of the universe https://patrickodowd96.substack.com/p/musings-on-the-possibility-of-a-ctmu?fbclid=IwAR33KdwqR3pWve9m-PwV_dFrHe9VZA5EUCDSnridBqjkXJJ1iMZJzNJzd_c

The CTMU (The Theory Of Everything), song suggestions, and a decent smoke and chill. (Warning age restricted: A black person with dreadlocks on drugs discussing the CTMU for over an hour) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cAsCQe4uPo8

AI Alignment and the Distributed Second Coming of Christ -- Alex Zhu, Ben Goldhaber, Divia Eden https://youtu.be/WX1wpgyLA9o?si=H019sl4jmpFKoJaE

Debunking CTMU critics: TMM https://youtu.be/rD3qzycLxk0?si=fPutoKK4gGOhA4SM

A landscape of consciousness: Toward a taxonomy of explanations and implications (Robert Lawrence Kuhn mentions Chris Langan’s CTMU) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0079610723001128?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2tFW5wNGYnn4rcLUk6qKIfAavouLtBjEAC0ILCcO1BISHHGrOeE0XJgaA_aem_oFoUo2JkcmcO0LOE-kK6jg

“There is already a French server where people formalize the CTMU, what you just mentioned is already done in a more exhaustive way by a person from this server : https://discord.gg/6SBcyfCX

I leave you an access link, if you do not understand French, do not hesitate to ask for an English version. There was a 5-page formalization doc on the Principle of Attributive Duality published a few days ago.”

CTMU Exploration (channel) https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWcbrEhmt9KY5J_wvQNmaHUCjMECgpUzd&si=ywZgvRGBvGvNp_ms

Did a New York Bouncer Logically Prove the Existence of God? CTMU https://youtu.be/_TPkMQ16Ibc?si=Ab3VaASopYXMb-qZ

A Proof of the CTMU - Sketch https://prudentia-club.blogspot.com/2024/09/a-proof-of-ctmu.html?m=1

Integrating Mathematical and Logical Reasoning to Establish the Existence of God: A Multidisciplinary Scientific and Philosophical Approach https://prudentia-club.blogspot.com/2024/03/integrating-mathematical-and-logical.html?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0GZgJNbqxDPCpeb6XII8lyaFZpQCa_9ckz1Q-yDuhyFj5JK-QfGnAT3nM_aem_gOu0LSFfwihCVrvi9mFesQ&m=1

Q & A Chris Langan -CTMU, Favorite Books, The American Phoenix Project, etc. https://youtu.be/hckcQV097PY?si=kP0PdY_hFchN_oa1

Post about AGI, CTCs, CTMU etc. https://m.facebook.com/groups/ctmurealitytheory/permalink/10161609765077486/?

TURFU Trollcast Podcast : The CTMU https://youtu.be/4Fa709rd2aI

TURFU Trollcast Podcast : The CTMU #2 https://youtu.be/qvm6tS9lKW8

CTMU Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe by Langan - AI Podcast https://youtu.be/oVKmdt4ihU8

‘Smartest Man in World’ Warns ‘America Under Enemy Occupation’ After Gov’t Fails Hurricane Victims https://www.infowars.com/posts/smartest-man-in-world-warns-america-under-enemy-occupation-after-govt-fails-hurricane-victims


Reaction to: Chris Langan's CTMU https://www.youtube.com/live/w3ulmRQxvjg?si=PEhM6jjJxbT-m3SG

Telic Triality, Free Will and the CTMU https://m.facebook.com/groups/ctmurealitytheory/permalink/10161734439682486/?mibextid=S66gvF

World’s Smartest Man and Sportface Tackle Theory of Everything https://ngscsports.com/2024/11/04/worlds-smartest-man-and-sportface-tackle-theory-of-everything/

Is the Smartest Man in the World a Grifter for God? I Discuss This with Advanced Google Gemini https://tonyberard.medium.com/is-the-smartest-man-in-the-world-a-grifter-for-god-b5193adfeb57

CTMU, Chris Langan https://youtu.be/pQXw1k6R6gk?si=eFFEsf0VrHEZ9Fu2

You're Not Ready for Mathematical Metaphysics https://youtu.be/ID5iswkhSUA?si=h6kNJZYcR8C3B_kw

The CTMU in a Proof Checker https://oakproof.org/examples/ctmu.html

Cognitive - Theoretic Model Of The Universe (CTMU) [rock music song] https://m.soundcloud.com/aram-kovach-967305502/cognitive-theoretic-model-of-the-universe-ctmu

Anyone else blown away by this Christopher Langan (Highest IQ) video on the “CTMU” theory? https://www.reddit.com/r/SimulationTheory/comments/1gneopm/anyone_else_blown_away_by_this_christopher_langan/?rdt=45588

Chris Langan: The Dumbest “Smartest Man” in the World "Professor Dave" just published a hit piece:


I wondered when this guy was going to lash out.

The Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe: A Partial Summary and Review by jessicata (3/24 on LessWrong) https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/pzmRDnoi4mNtqu6Ji/the-cognitive-theoretic-model-of-the-universe-a-partial


200 IQ vs 2000 IQ https://youtu.be/57IN9sBhYyg?si=zYi-5EHOL53f0bo9

Here I discuss in detail the logical equivalence between SMN and a SCSPL operating on a self-excited circuit. https://web.archive.org/web/20210323150851/http://https://www.anandavala.info/TASTMOTNOR/CTMU.html

Explore the nature of reality through the lenses of two theories: the Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe (CTMU)and My Big TOE (MBT). https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/riven-waters-infinite-storypodcast/episodes/2024-11-21T06_29_30-08_00

I asked A.I to explain Chris Langan's CTMU... https://youtu.be/1r7aIudRjrg

The “World’s Smartest Man” Christopher Langan on Koko the Gorilla’s IQ https://notpoliticallycorrect.me/2019/12/08/the-worlds-smartest-man-on-koko-the-gorillas-iq/

CTMU (Reddit/Experiencers) https://www.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/s/Lm77vP9ESt

Tommy Goloboy (CTMU Channel) https://youtube.com/@tommygoloboy?si=D5ms5zC2XqlyhTGY

Reddit Comment on Knowles Interview (InterdimensionalNHI) https://www.reddit.com/r/InterdimensionalNHI/comments/1h2xj7w/interview_with_chris_langan_the/

The CTMU and the Problem of Demarcation https://realityunity.substack.com/p/the-introductory-ctmu-review?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Worlds Smartest Man Claims He Can Prove The Existence Of God https://youtu.be/q_YJRe7yiZY?si=-y1lt1XEPyjUYSSd

The parable of, "Kermit discovers the theory of everything (TOE)" https://www.writepharmaparablepublishing.com/p/the-parable-of-kermit-discovers-the

Has anyone understood the CTMU from Christopher Langan? https://www.reddit.com/r/questions/s/EQWcEPRrFT

CTMU as a "Theory of Everything" A foundation for exploring the nature of truth, knowledge, and existence. https://whowhatwhere.substack.com/p/ctmu-as-a-theory-of-everything

{Grokking Christopher Langan’s Theory Of Reality} https://magazine.mindplex.ai/grokking-christopher-langans-theory-of-reality/

Major Points of The Ctmu https://www.scribd.com/document/417596759/Major-Points-of-the-Ctmu

What exactly is the CTMU? https://philosophy.stackexchange.com/questions/47651/what-exactly-is-the-ctmu

The Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe (CTMU): Christopher Langan’s Vision https://medium.com/@mlhastings.com/the-cognitive-theoretic-model-of-the-universe-ctmu-christopher-langans-vision-8ad1f49fc838

The Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe by Christopher Michael Langan? One of the craziest and most confusing things I’ve read. https://www.reddit.com/r/philosophy/s/Bzac4dYuAd

Man with 200 IQ Explains the Secrets of Reality (Video Advice channel) https://youtu.be/d8IZ0L5596s?si=wD9dkVrgD9ooqQcW

Mr. Dave, Chris Langan & The CTMU https://youtu.be/Y_bmAVBP1IM

“Anyway, some days ago, the science youtuber & debunker Professor Dave responded to his video in a 1 hour long takedown of Formscapes arguments. Dave makes some very good points but also lacks awareness (due to being hardstuck in stage orange) about some of the true shortcommings of this process we call science.

That said, I think it's a pretty neat case study in scientific epistemology.” https://www.actualized.org/forum/topic/99083-formscapes-vs-professor-dave-drama/

CTMU ≈ Daoism? : r/taoism https://www.reddit.com/r/taoism/s/V1oKXKsFl8

'World's smartest man with 210 IQ' gives extremely interesting answer when asked if God exists https://vt.co/news/world/worlds-smartest-man-with-210-iq-gives-extremely-interesting-answer-when-asked-if-god-exists

'World's smartest man' with IQ higher than Einstein says he knows what happens when you die https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/worlds-smartest-man-iq-higher-34336748.amp
















Chris Langan is a Charlatan https://youtu.be/l52cmmdFqYw?si=UJwXCk-WesFLtDAM

Luigi Mangione (alleged killer of health insurance CEO) reply to Chris Langan on X https://x.com/PepMangione/status/1788947825377862051

“Does X shadow ban?

Let’s discuss this one upfront. Simply put, we don’t shadow ban! Ever. We do rank posts to create a more relevant experience for you, however, and you’re always able to see posts from people you follow. Check out our company blog post for more details.” https://help.x.com/en/using-x/debunking-twitter-myths

😨🔥 Cognitive Theoretic Model of the Universe!? 😂🥵 https://youtu.be/eJm2B-OYwA0?si=-Op1br9eaArJiGgJ

Capt Ajit Vadakayil https://captajitvadakayil.in/2024/12/18/stupid-ctmu-and-charlatan-christopher-langan-are-being-sponsored-by-the-jewish-deep-state-soon-jew-langan-will-be-sitting-on-the-inter-faith-dialogue-international-seminar-podiums-with-ctmu-branded/



The Blog of Zoorhess https://purifiedlogic.wixsite.com/mysite



Unboxing the Universe: A Fresh Look at the CTMU in the Age of AI https://chuckrussell.medium.com/unboxing-the-universe-a-fresh-look-at-the-ctmu-in-the-age-of-ai-940ef9e07a02

Medium CTMU Search Results https://medium.com/search?q=CTMU

Omni (channel) https://youtube.com/@--omni--?si=Ag54L3tP6lCO4PpJ

A Summary of the CTMU https://www.scivillage.com/thread-17065-post-68528.html#pid68528

"Professor" Dave is a FRAUD (Debunking his hit-piece, point by point) https://youtu.be/e8NNCBJEZoM

Professor Dave Doesn't Debunk Chris Langan - Theory Of Every0ne Live https://www.youtube.com/live/uhF47FOF3UI?si=S21bVMgH-sk9exC4

Everything Made Super Simple (CTMU videos) https://youtube.com/@OnePercentSmarterEveryDay

I asked Google A.I what it thinks about Chris Langan's CTMU. https://youtu.be/bDFaD8AohVs?si=4lqXmusQ_sxuc6RN

Deepstash https://deepstash.com/article/271980/information-theory-as-the-foundation-of-ctmu





Introductory article: A Visual Journey into Universal Evolution - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tCq9lPaaUbJqM3vZGJvB0YrCgTktlUze/view?usp=drive_linkTechnical

technical paper: A Geometric Theory of Consciousness and Quantum Reality - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kiPMUH0BB-67UpugHp5yXhf0LN-8wEfo/view?usp=drive_link

Extended discussion: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JVksxEH2ZgR7AuuSAwykf4FqVMVZV0I6/view?usp=drive_link

ETERNAL LIFE AI: KITCHEN TECHNOLOGY I have something relevant to 1 equaling 0.999... in my "paper" called Kitchen Tech. It's for source material for a film i'm working on. Look at 7,4 - https://docs.google.com/document/d/16bsuCKDt4B1a9aMgt4tYEzQPvKk8-NeODt8UTtmFLc0/edit?usp=drivesdk

Yes, The CTMU proves God exists. Here's how. https://youtu.be/AKkNMP88wJU

FOR THE LOVE OF THE GAME https://lolaokola.substack.com/p/for-the-love-of-the-game?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Responding to CTMU hate comments https://youtu.be/-DMT17mGPuw?si=f7SKo-3t39-LD0fh

CTMU Discussions Otherwise Banned and At-Risk of Deletion by Chris Langan’s Public Identity Moderation Team (Inclusive of Sock Puppets)

The Universal Geometric Set (2004) https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/the-universal-geometric-set.30383/

Zachary R.J. Strong: Judaism and the CTMU | Reality Principle Ep. 10 https://youtu.be/pWbFYXBMWwE?si=tv2bc5S6xxD2RO2S

“I remember the Asmodeous incident from way back, and had saved this comment made at the time apparently by Mr. Langan:

"Caution - this article is misleading An interesting little article, if only because it is almost completely misleading in its references to me, my wife, and my ideas, and the use of those references to exemplify Wikipedia’s problem with “narcissistic cranks” and “questionable theories”. The actual facts of the case cited by Mr. Farrell can be found in pages accessible from those linked above, and they do not weigh in Wikipedia’s favor. Suffice it to say that Wikipedia's worst problem is not cranks and their theories, but its huge and growing population of anonymous trolls, vandals, and fake "experts", many of whom function as Wikipedia administrators.

Lest anyone be given the wrong impression, neither I nor my wife has ever introduced an article on me or the CTMU to Wikipedia. Those articles were authored, and signed, by others with no known connection to us. As regards the editing of existing articles, the rules of Wikipedia, while discouraging "conflicts of interest", explicitly allow the subjects of Wikipedia articles to remove defamation and correct falsehoods regarding themselves, their ideas, and their activities (obviously, prohibiting such corrections could lead to serious legal and ethical difficulties for Wikipedia). Although the Wikipedia Arbitration Committee does not always respect those rules, certain militant editors and outright trolls who had been pseudonymously using the encyclopedia to attack my reputation and ideas were ultimately warned to desist by the head of the Wikimedia Foundation.

Of course, like everyone else, those who run Cosmos magazine are welcome to their opinions, no matter how uninformed or premature they may be. However, I respectfully suggest that its editors, editorial advisors, and executives be a bit more careful regarding the possible long-term effects of such disparaging articles. Responsible intellectual commerce has no room for veiled accusations and snide insinuations like those exemplified above.

Incidentally, should any scientist or philosopher on the staff of Cosmos ever wish to take open, reasoned, non-pseudonymous exception to any technical statement actually made or written by me and invite a response, I welcome him or her to do so. If nothing else, the readers of Cosmos might find such an exchange instructive. But in any event, rumor-based, content-deficient articles like this have very little relevance to science, cosmology, or anything legitimately related to them.

Christopher M. Langan”

Submitted by C.M. Langan on 5 August 2007 - 6:38am. reply" http://www.cosmosmagazine.com/features/online/1339/in-wikipedia-we-trust?page=1

Archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20120813004404/https://cosmosmagazine.com/features/online/1339/in-wikipedia-we-trust?page=1

Asmodeus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Asmodeus/pseudosciencerfarb

High-IQ Rankings, Societies, Genetic/Ancestral Profiles of Charimastic Authorities, Estimators in Popular Media, Petitions and Click-Bait Bios

5 Signs Of A Highly Intelligent Person — From The Smartest Man In America https://www.yourtango.com/self/signs-high-intelligence-smartest-man-america

Fact-Check: Unsuccessful Life of the World's Smartest Man Alive - Christopher Langan https://knowinsiders.com/fact-check-unsuccessful-life-of-the-worlds-smartest-man-alive-christopher-langan-37538.html

Adhara is a gifted Mexican child who has her destiny written in her name https://youtu.be/39KeYwRJ2o4

“In genius studies, Mega Test IQ corresponds to an IQ assigned to a person by extrapolation of their score on a Mega Test, a 48 question test designed by American philosopher Ronald Hoeflin in the early 1980s.” https://www.eoht.info/page/Mega%20Test%20IQ

“Christopher Michael Langan was born in 1952 in San Francisco , California but spent most of his childhood in Montana. His mother, Mary Langan-Hansen (née Chappelle July 20, 1932 - July 1, 2014), was the daughter of a wealthy shipping executive but was cut off from her family. His biological father, Melvin Letman (a U.S. Marine who was 100% Russian Jewish), died or disappeared before he was born. Owing to a combination of severed family ties and an absent father figure for her children, Mary was often pressured to adopt an economically itinerant lifestyle on behalf of her four children. This meant frequently living on violent Indian reservations in conditions of extreme poverty. [7][8] During elementary school, Langan was repeatedly skipped ahead and was tormented by his peers. Langan claims he was brutally beaten by his stepfather, Jack Langan. Jack Langan denies this claim.” https://steemit.com/history/@fizzygold/the-smartest-man-in-the-world

“Ronny Decorte, a geneticist from the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium, tested relatives of Adolf Hitler and determined that the Fürher belonged to haplogroup E1b1b. Ironically this haplogroup thought to be at the origin of Afro-Asiatic languages, which includes the Semitic languages and peoples that Hitler despised so much.” https://www.eupedia.com/europe/Haplogroup_E1b1b_Y-DNA.shtml

Here are some columns where the original answer published by Marilyn is clearly wrong, with clear and simple explanations. In some cases, Marilyn has published a correction, but in most cases, the error was noted here first. https://wiskit.com/marilyn/marilyn.html

  1. 2049- Coleman Hughes

The Joe Rogan Experience (mentions Chris Langan) https://open.spotify.com/episode/6gr1cKBE8VywXpVlMdisDm

(Summary under 15 minutes of above) https://youtu.be/SNEJmcZWFEc?si=OvXn3Gm8iMBLsdGl

TOP 10 Highest IQ in the World for 2024 https://plattevalley.newschannelnebraska.com/story/50896312/top-10-highest-iq-in-the-world-for-2024

Famous Historical Genius IQs (With Their Ancestral Genealogies) https://www.geni.com/projects/Famous-Historical-Genius-IQs/35523

Roma traveller girl aged 13 who has a higher IQ than Einstein and Stephen Hawking... and she's hardly been to school! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3356890/amp/Roma-traveller-girl-aged-13-higher-IQ-Einstein-Stephen-Hawking-s-hardly-school.html

“There has been speculation too regarding his ethnic background; by 1915 it had become widely accepted in America that he was Jewish; he even has an entry in Who’s Who in World Jewry, together with a spurious biography; when he appeared in the 1940 film The Great Dictator in which he played the part of a Hitler look-alike, that identity was further reinforced. All of his films were banned in Nazi Germany based on the same mistaken assumption. In the earliest versions of the screenplay his character’s identity is unspecified, and it is only in later rewrites of the script that it became Jewish.

Many of the books that deal with Charlie Chaplin’s life don’t mention his Romani connection at all; others, such as Sid Fleischman’s Charlie Chaplin, the Funniest Man Alive (4) include a single ‘Gypsy’ reference but focus on his Jewish connection. This was certainly deep and personal; his third wife Paulette Goddard (Levy) was Jewish (5), and he spoke often and passionately about the plight of the Jews in Europe. But he also made it clear in interviews and in his autobiography that he was not himself Jewish. His biographer Joyce Milton (6) wrote “I think awareness of his Romani heritage was an important part of Chaplin’s self-image and critical to his art . . . I suspect that Hitler’s persecution of the Gypsies was very much on Chaplin’s mind when he conceived the screenplay of The Great Dictator. However, he never said this publicly” (7).” https://www.travellerstimes.org.uk/features/charlie-chaplins-romani-roots-ian-hancock

The Final Speech from The Great Dictator https://www.charliechaplin.com/en/synopsis/articles/29-The-Great-Dictator-s-Speech

30 Smartest People Alive Today - Super Scholar https://superscholar.org/smartest-people-alive/

The World Genius Directory Genius of the Year Awards https://psiq.org/world_genius_directory_awards/awards.htm



Conversation with Iakovos Koukas on Love, God, and Online IQ Testing Platform: President & Founder, GENIUS High IQ Network (2) https://in-sightpublishing.com/2023/03/26/conversation-with-iakovos-koukas-on-love-god-and-online-iq-testing-platform-president-founder-genius-high-iq-network-2/

Mind of a 2020 World Genius of The Americas with Daniel Pohl and Jason Grant https://youtu.be/NyIqvHHTFoo?si=s7Owm5oX3VAAYPPM

Highest IQ 2025 – TOP 10 People with World’s Highest IQ Ever Recorded https://gigasociety.net/top-10-highest-iqs/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0mGyUMOFnmBBHSzSoPPy001vSnx0MH02Rq9nOWb5wyPm9DVbdQLdbTVbc_aem_LhG9Os0yQd2lmm-0EQ5JTA

“Evangelos Katsioulis, aka Evan Cat MD, MA, MSc, PhD

Evan is a Physician, Consultant Psychiatrist, Expert Psychotherapist and Life Coach from Greece. Yahoo! Finance and Business Insider featured Evan as the smartest man in the world in 2012.

Evan Cat is a well-known life coach and public speaker . His online video courses aim to help you improve your relationships, life management, stress relief, self-confidence and much more. If you are seeking your own efficient way to change your life then get started today!” https://www.katsioulis.com/about-evan/

Kim Ung-Yong (Korean: 김웅용; born March 8, 1962)[1] is a South Korean civil engineer. During his youth, he was recognized as a child prodigy with the highest recorded IQ having scored above 210 on the Stanford–Binet Intelligence Scale, He entered university at the age of 4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Ung-yong

50 People with the Highest IQs in the World https://www.rd.com/list/highest-iq-in-the-world/

“The origin of this stems from a 1999 Michael Hirsh article about Ehud Barak describing him as someone with an IQ of 180. This was not a statement of fact, but a mere way of describing Barak as a smart person. Somehow this morphed into a ‘confirmed internet fact’ that (Ehud’s political rival at the time) Bibi has an IQ of 180.

Although this claim is likely false, Netanyahu is in fact an incredibly smart person. Regardless of one’s political views or opinion of the man, Netanyahu’s two degrees from MIT, work at Boston Consulting Group, success in the cerebral Sayaret Maktal, its hard to define him as anything but an incredibly bright and hardworking individual.

Superlatives aside, it seems as if Netanyahu is acting quite foolishly at the moment.” https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/bibi-and-the-180-iq/

After 10 years, US publication walks back claim that Netanyahu has genius IQ 'Insider' now says the 2011 article does not meet its 'current editorial standards' https://www.timesofisrael.com/after-10-years-us-publication-walks-back-claim-that-netanyahu-has-genius-iq/amp/

“The first Nigerian to make it to top 10 people with highest IQ in the world.

Philip Emeagwali have an IQ of 190.Philip Emeagwali was one of two winners of the 1989 Gordon Bell Prize.

This Igbo-born engineer, mathematician, computer scientist and geologist was one of two winners of the 1989 Gordon Bell Prize. He won the prize from the IEEE, for his use of a Connection Machine supercomputer to help detect petroleum fields. Emeagwali is of igbo descent from Onitsha, Anambra state, although he was born in Akure, Ondo state.

He is ranks at no.2 among the top ten most intelligent people in the world. He is regarded as the father of modern computer” https://www.facebook.com/101209985249548/posts/pfbid02FMJwpQ5WGSHooAxzhcPUkcYDJrXS8TTfUQzKx1DCh23B5cSx5LcXEa3b5jSJumvl/?mibextid=cr9u03


Chris Langan’s response to High IQ Igbo-Nigerian Philip Emeagwali, Langan’s supporters would rather plug their ears and put their head in the sand screaming “he’s truly white and truly non-racist” rather than metabolize the fact that he’s a racist semi-Jew who hates blacks, even the smartest Igbos.

“Nothing can touch European-American civilization or technology. The object for everyone else is therefore to gain its benefits, which means dispossessing its rightful owners by misappropriation, counterfeiting, and historical falsification.

The mystery is why academia and the media have been encouraging and facilitating this blatantly dishonest agenda. It's almost as though they're run by an incredibly rich but nonetheless hateful and jealous group of vengeful malcontents who nurse an undying grudge against us and want to see us raped, robbed, and ravaged as they rake in the lion's share of this unprecedented wealth transfer as "banking fees" charged in alleged furtherance of "social justice".

I'm sure we're all wondering who *they* might be. Let's just hope they straighten up and fly right before things turn really bad for all concerned, and we need to start pointing fingers.” https://www.facebook.com/groups/ctmurealitytheory/permalink/10158570488962486/?mibextid=S66gvF

AryanOverlord (talk) 21:21, 7 January 2025 (UTC) AryanOverlord

List Of 10 People With Highest IQ In The World https://www.jagranjosh.com/us/trending/list-of-10-people-with-highest-iq-in-the-world-1736860111

In 1966, Harding, age 22, was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records under the category "Smartest Man in the World", with an IQ of 196-197, based, as reported, on an ratio IQ calculation using his Stanford-Binet scale scores. https://www.eoht.info/page/Christopher%20Harding

Guinness Book IQs https://www.eoht.info/page/Guinness%20Book%20IQ#:~:text=Quipu%3A%20a%20Novel%20(Christopher%20P,1).

Dr. Christopher Philip Harding https://olymp.iqsociety.org/olympians/dr-christopher-philip-harding/

On the Famously Inflated Guinness Book IQ of Christopher Harding https://www.reddit.com/r/RealGeniuses/comments/aq0lth/on_the_famously_inflated_guinness_book_iq_of/

Appoint Chris Langan, World's Highest IQ, as Special Advisor to President Donald Trump https://www.change.org/p/appoint-chris-langan-world-s-highest-iq-as-special-advisor-to-president-donald-trump?recruiter=905818233&recruited_by_id=564e33b0-d08a-11e8-87fb-7def3227a0bf&utm_source=share-social&utm_campaign=starter_onboarding_share_flow&utm_medium=copylink

Calculating Genealogical (or at least Geographical) Distances Between Chris Langan and Historical/Contemporary Figures

Chris M Langan's mother's father: (1896 Wales - 1960 San Francisco) https://www.geni.com/people/Thomas-Chappell/6000000043047921284

Carolus 'Magnus' d'Aquitaine, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire (Karolinger), Rex Francorum & Imperator Romanorum https://www.geni.com/people/Charlemagne/6000000002457013227


Today Langan says Francis Bacon (1561 – 1626) was his First Cousin 15 times removed which means one of his parents had to be 400 years old.

"Times removed" is a way to describe the number of generations between two people in a family tree. For example, if you and your first cousin are not in the same generation, you are "once removed". If you are two generations higher or lower, you are "twice removed". A cousin is a relative that is the child of a parent's sibling; this is more specifically referred to as a first cousin.

AryanOverlord (talk) 21:47, 3 September 2024 (UTC) AryanOverlord

Sir Francis Bacon, 1st and last Viscount St Alban's (genealogy) https://www.geni.com/people/Sir-Francis-Bacon-1st-and-last-Viscount-St-Alban-s/6000000006444780288

Christopher Michael Langan (records only exist for his matrilineal genealogy) https://www.geni.com/people/Christopher-Langan/6000000043047400162

Francis Bacon https://gw.geneanet.org/tdowling?lang=en&n=bacon&p=francis

Cousin Calculator https://www.genealogyexplained.com/basics/cousin-calculator/

Francis Bacon MP (1561 - 1626) [wikitree] https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Bacon-562



“Answer and Explanation: No, Francis Bacon did not have any children. He was married to Alice Barnham when he was 45 years old, but the couple never had children. Today, several historians believe that, in spite of his marriage to Barnham, Bacon was actually gay.” https://homework.study.com/explanation/did-francis-bacon-have-any-children.html

“Wilfred and Alice were first cousins. Wilfred didn’t marry and had no children. Alice had descendants, and each was a first cousin something-times-removed (meaning one generation further down)

Wilfred and Alice - first cousins

Wilfred and Betty (Alice’s child) - first cousins once removed

Wilfred and Charles (Betty’s child) - first cousins 2x removed

Wilfred and Diane (Charles’ child) - first cousins 3x removed

Wilfred and Edith (Diane’s child) - first cousins 4x removed

Wilfred and Freddie (Edith’s child) - first cousins 5x removed

Wilfred and George (Freddie’s child) - first cousins 6x removed

Wilfred and Hannah (George’s child) - first cousins 7x removed” https://www.quora.com/What-s-a-first-cousin-7x-removed/answer/Celine-Monaghan?ch=17&oid=388715183&share=ee873107&srid=3mYo71&target_type=answer


Langan’s earliest recorded ancestor I found so far is NN Graves down his mother’s mother’s side and was born in the mid-16th Century in Hertford, England, and his son Deacon George Graves was born in Hartford, Connecticut in 1605.

DEACON GEORGE GRAVES from 1636 Settler of Hartford, Connecticut and His Descendants https://keeperofthefamily.com/stories/deacon_george_graves/


AryanOverlord (talk) 13:54, 5 September 2024 (UTC) AryanOverlord

“Hertford is the county town of Hertfordshire, England, and is also a civil parish in the East Hertfordshire district of the county.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hertford

“On the 22nd of this month it will be exactly 462 years since the birth of one of Hertfordshire’s most famous figures, Sir Francis Bacon.

Bacon was born in January 1561 at York House near the Strand in London. If his family connections were anything to go by, he was destined for great things. Not only was Francis the son of Sir Nicholas Bacon who was Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, he was the grandson of the humanist Anthony Cooke. As an added bonus his aunt was married to William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley, who was an incredibly important player in the court of Queen Elizabeth I. … Francis also played a leading role in establishing the British colonies in North America, especially in Virginia, the Carolinas and Newfoundland in northeastern Canada. Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States even wrote that Bacon was ‘one of the greatest men who had ever lived’.

Francis was made Baron Verulam in 1618, and Viscount of St Albans in 1621. His influence over the King eventually inspired resentment in many of his peers. Some of his enemies were waiting to pounce – and pounce they did in 1621 when Francis was accused of – and admitted- accepting bribes in his parliamentary and legal work.

Among the items he was said to have accepted were gold buttons and expensive draperies for his home. These transgressions saw him fined £40,000, banished from the court and even imprisoned in the Tower of London for a few days.

Though later pardoned by the king, Francis was effectively ‘cancelled’. His public life ended in disgrace. It was during this trying time that Francis retired to Old Gorhambury House in Hertfordshire. Here he pursued his literary endeavours, working on pieces such as “New Atlantis”, “The History of Life and Death” and “the History of Henry VII”.” https://www.hertsad.co.uk/news/24064270.sir-francis-bacon-born/#


There is a connection to Francis Bacon’s retirement home and Hertford where Langan’s earliest ancestor is traced to, making Sir Anthony Cooke the oldest intellectual person he has some geographical connection to (not necessarily an indication of a genetic one.)

Sir Anthony Cooke, KB (June 1501 – 11 June 1576) was an English humanist scholar. He was tutor to Edward VI. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Cooke

AryanOverlord (talk) 14:15, 5 September 2024 (UTC) AryanOverlord

“The county has a rich intellectual history, and many writers of major importance, from Geoffrey Chaucer to Beatrix Potter, have connections there. Quite a number of prime ministers were born or grew up in Hertfordshire.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Hertfordshire

Chronology of Chris Langan’s Substacks, Interview Clips, Posts, Gabs, Tweets, Facebook Posts, Forums, TV Appearances (wherein he may have replied to comments)

Quantum Brainstorming (SEP 12, 2023 ∙ PAID) https://chrislangan.substack.com/p/quantum-brainstorming

Same Discussion, Different Thread (Quantum Computation OCT 16, 2023 ∙ PAID) https://chrislangan.substack.com/p/same-discussion-different-thread

Man With 200 IQ Gives Theory on Reality (CTMU Explained) https://youtu.be/LeDm633T-_U?si=-OjzOU9X3oc-HuVN

Man With 200 IQ Says Death Isn’t the End https://youtu.be/9EZ-1dcc_Sc?si=x6fvS16kbXcOYW3r

Beyond "Beyond Good and Evil" What are good and evil, and what is the nature of the Beast? (CHRIS LANGAN DEC 11, 2023 ∙ PAID)

Believe it or not, modern academic philosophers have reached a working consensus on good and evil: “They don’t exist.” As most of them see it, what is good for one group can be bad for others (especially “protected communities”), and insofar as the good-evil distinction seems inconsistent with diversity, equity, and inclusion, good and evil are meaningless.” https://chrislangan.substack.com/p/beyond-beyond-good-and-evil

Consciousness Defined By Man With 200 IQ https://youtu.be/I4f9Q0Cejq4?si=kFjAKxbmD1BmIBSN

World's Smartest Man On The Multiverse Theory https://youtu.be/LeQ2B_g56JI?si=XjcTE6oqvfpwPvus

Chris Langan’s CTMU https://youtu.be/KFqZ9U02B5Q?si=i1IRifO6QzhYKv0k

Chris Langan - CTMU Briefly Explained - TOE https://youtu.be/NCQev0Z-iGU?si=Qs283edwrcTuxj0_

The Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe: A Partial Summary and Review (3/27/2024) https://www.greaterwrong.com/posts/pzmRDnoi4mNtqu6Ji/the-cognitive-theoretic-model-of-the-universe-a-partial

Christopher Langan Net Worth 2024: $1.5 Million https://www.iamgoldpanda.com/christopher-langan-net-worth-2024/

“The man with the alleged higest IQ in the US (Christopher Langan) earns $6000 per year. What does that tell you about the validity and applicability of IQ tests? (2010)…Since when did a persons salary have anything to do with their intelligence ?” https://gamedev.net/forums/topic/584789-i-dont-believe-that-this-is-the-smartest-man-in-the-world/4718761/

Note: Langan has posted on Reddit here, it doesn’t look like he’s been banned.

u/ChrisLangan https://www.reddit.com/u/ChrisLangan/s/Qqk0NBA26W

Man with 200 IQ on the Human Singularity | Chris Langan https://youtu.be/wcaETiyej7Q?si=8wd7p2vPhA2VIqrq

Man With 200 IQ Explains Hell & God https://youtu.be/eWQ_Dsg1TmY?si=EYTzXoCihGc8x9dC

Chris Langan Breaks Down Life's Ultimate Purpose (5 Min of Wisdom) https://youtu.be/_yetfDrsFno?si=a5AaZMRtAuQU_56u

Man With 200 IQ Explains The Universe | Chris Langan https://youtu.be/4zw-DBl36nU

Consciousness Theory (Iceberg) https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlN7M6CrEnBPZ2qywnGYdUDk&si=clX0npHAEFyh4Xgy

The Complete Consciousness Iceberg | 2 Hours of Obscure Consciousness Theories Explained https://youtu.be/65yjqIDghEk?si=QB4vadrZhZTcaCfY&t=4564

Short summary of the CTMU on Curt's channel, and the whole video/iceberg is apparently heavily based on Robert Lawrence Kuhn's paper.

How does Christopher Langan's Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe (CTMU) prove the existence of a god? https://www.quora.com/How-does-Christopher-Langans-Cognitive-Theoretic-Model-of-the-Universe-CTMU-prove-the-existence-of-a-god?ch=17&oid=7768333&share=9b64279e&srid=3BD3W&target_type=question

200 IQ Man: "I’m Fully Conscious When I Sleep" https://youtu.be/aGISmFubQvY?si=b6htiYahrdFBDQo5

Robert Lawrence Kuhn Exchange - Part 1 This is the first part of an email exchange I had with the celebrated Robert Lawrence Kuhn of the PBS television series "Closer to Truth". https://chrislangan.substack.com/p/robert-lawrence-kuhn-exchange-part

A landscape of consciousness: Toward a taxonomy of explanations and implications (Robert Lawrence Kuhn mentions Chris Langan’s CTMU) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0079610723001128?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2tFW5wNGYnn4rcLUk6qKIfAavouLtBjEAC0ILCcO1BISHHGrOeE0XJgaA_aem_oFoUo2JkcmcO0LOE-kK6jg

Chris Langan - Remote Healing and Non-Local Communication - CTMU [Advanced] https://chrislangan.substack.com/p/chris-langan-remote-healing-and-non

Chris Langan 1Vs100 https://youtu.be/rH2hiwhsZZU?si=ExgRwTNdnU22Rao0

Chris Langan - Telesis = Money + Meaning | Telic Economy - CTMU https://www.bitchute.com/video/k7AqCwYhmIo/

Chris Langan - Conspansive Rescaling - CTMU https://www.bitchute.com/video/E3Gw7vaKl20

Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Dehumanization Campaigns, Unapologetic Racism and Hateful Rhetoric

February 4, 2025:

Elon Musk @elonmusk Feb 4 She is breaking the law. Literally. Outright.

[Ian Miles Cheong @stillgray Feb 4 Ilhan Omar is conducting seminars for Somalians who are living illegally in the U.S. without documentation, providing guidance on how to evade deportation.]

Chris Langan @RealChrisLangan Feb 4 I have just one word: Koko. Why was Koko the Gorilla, a gentle, affectionate high-IQ creature and model denizen of the African continent, kept in a cage while this incredibly vicious little goblin ran free on our soil and worked nonstop to destroy us? ;-)

Astarov @sergeiastarov Mr. Langan, please relax with the racial comments — it's uncool. Genetics isn't something we have control over just yet, and intelligence is not the main factor that makes us human. As you of all people should know: that comes down to factors beyond materialist reductionist ontologies. Being concerned regarding preserving the European phenotype could be done with much more grace and tact than your recent rhetoric, which is — to be frank — in less than poor taste.

Chris Langan @RealChrisLangan Excuse me, but you need to save this kind of nonsense for the mentally defective. If "genetics isn't something over which we have control just yet," then why are we in the middle of a vast and highly illegal social experiment involving unprecedented levels of mass Third World migration to all and only Western nations, given that it can have no other effect than radically adulterating the population genetics of Western nations? Obviously, this is unsafe without the knowledge that we can maintain the integrity of modern civilization against a massive genetic onslaught by primitive, low-IQ, manifestly unassimilable rabble. Get your head on straight, or keep your irreal standards of "grace and tact" to yourself. 12:19 AM · Feb 5, 2025


“Christopher Langan Yesterday (2019) at AM "Koko, the thoughtful gorilla who captivated the world through her ability to use sign language and revealed an empathetic side to great apes. has died. She was 46. "The western lowiand gorilla passed away in her sleep Tuesday morning at the Gorilla Foundation's preserve in California's Santa Cruz mountains. the foundation said *Koko touched the lives of millions as'an ambassador for all gorillas and an icon for interspecies communication and empathy," the foundation said on its website. "She was beloved and will be deeply missed." "Koko was believed to have had an IQ of between 75 and 95 and could sign more than 1,000 words. The average IQ of a human is around 90 to 110 She also understood spoken English." According to the "30 point rule" of psychometrics [as proposed by pioneering psychometrician Leta S. Hollingworth], Koko's elevated level of thought would have been all but incomprehensible to nearly half the Population of Somalia (average IQ 68). Yet the nations of Europe and North 'America are being flooded with millions of unvetted Somalian refugees who are not (initially) kept in cages despite what appears to be the world's highest rate of violent crime. Obviously, this raises a question: Why is Western Civilization not admitting gorillas? They too are from Africa, and probably have a group mean IQ at least equal to that of Somalia. In addition, they have peaceful and environmentally friendly cultures, commit far less violent crime than Somalians, and with minor modifications to Western education systems, can easily be taught to use language. Why are these gentle creatures, who have been threatened with genocide for decades, not being taken In by Western nations as refugees despite the indisputable fact that they are teetering on the edge of extinction in their homelands? Can this be called humane or compassionate? What on Earth is going on here? [Some of you might wonder whether this is a joke. The truth is that I'm not quite sure.” https://ifunny.co/picture/christopher-langan-yesterday-at-am-koko-the-thoughtful-gorilla-who-Jaaapobn9


The “World’s Smartest Man” Christopher Langan on Koko the Gorilla’s IQ https://notpoliticallycorrect.me/2019/12/08/the-worlds-smartest-man-on-koko-the-gorillas-iq/

More Smarter The “smartest man in America” gets redpilled (2019) https://thebaffler.com/latest/more-smarter-ward

Chris Langan responds to Coleman Hughes and Joe Rogan https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/17hnulg/chris_langan_responds_to_coleman_hughes_and_joe/


Matthew says: May 1, 2023 As only one other user said: Chris Langan, the man with a 200 IQ score who believes he can prove the existence of god with his CTMU theory.

From the limited exposure of him and his ToE model I don’t see the reason for all the hate/criticism this man receives. It’s time for him to blow up and then we will really see if his theory is sound, which I believe it is.

ryan domke says: September 18, 2017 Chris Langan, the man with a 200 IQ score who believes he can prove the existence of god with his CTMU theory. Get someone who is an expert in mathematics or cosmology to join the conversation. I believe this would be a recipe for one very entertaining podcast, if not an absolutely mind blowing one. To add to the plot, a record of Chris participating in a long form conversation is basically non existent, at least on the basis of my 20 minutes spent on google searches trying to find one. If i was going to die tomorrow my last wish would be for this podcast to happen. Something about him just makes it seem like this needs to happen!

His contact info for one of his organizations:

email: info@megacenter.org phone: 660-693-3675 https://joeroganpodcast.wordpress.com/guest-request/

“Disgusting to this disgruntled Negro and his media handler, perhaps. Not so disgusting to upstanding Americans belonging to the beleaguered White majority (i.e., those discernibly related to the Founding Fathers).” https://gab.com/ChrisLangan/posts/113925033548358847

“Doublethink is a process of indoctrination in which subjects are expected to simultaneously accept two conflicting beliefs as truth, often at odds with their own memory or sense of reality. Doublethink is related to, but differs from, hypocrisy. George Orwell coined the term doublethink as part of the fictional language of Newspeak in his 1949 dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. In the novel, its origins within the citizenry is unclear; while it could be partly a product of Big Brother's formal brainwashing programmes, the novel explicitly shows people learning doublethink and Newspeak due to peer pressure and a desire to "fit in", or gain status within the Party—to be seen as a loyal Party Member. In the novel, for someone to even recognize—let alone mention—any contradiction within the context of the Party line is akin to blasphemy, and could subject that person to disciplinary action and the instant social disapproval of fellow Party Members.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doublethink

“When the congresswoman Ilhan Omar called Donald Trump’s top immigration adviser, Stephen Miller, a white nationalist in April, the chorus of outrage from Republicans could not have been louder.

Donald Trump Jr tweeted: “I see that the head of the Farrakhan Fan Club, @IlhanMN, took a short break from spewing her usual anti-semitic bigotry today to accuse a Jewish man of being a ‘white nationalist’ because she apparently has no shame.” … In one email, Miller recommends a book [Dystopian Fiction: The Camp of the Saints (1973)] that has a faeces-eating, Indian-born antagonist literally called “turd-eater” in it, and in which a white woman is raped to death by dark-skinned refugees.” https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/nov/13/stephen-miller-white-nationalist-emails-ilhan-omar

“Pro football is about 75 percent Black and 25% White (which is more White than pro basketball, all but just 17.5 percent of whose players are non-White). I feel like I'm watching a sports event in Africa, except that if I were in Africa, I'd probably be seeing no White faces at all. Despite living not too far from Kansas City, Missouri, I'll be shutting off the television.” – February 9, 2025 Chris Langan on X https://x.com/RealChrisLangan/status/1888733767038013884

“The JBHE contended that "If there is a 'black gene' that leads to athletic prowess, why then do African Americans, 90 percent of whom have at least one white ancestor, outperform blacks from African nations in every sport except long distance running?"” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_sports

The Debate on Race and Sports Crosses the Pond https://www.jstor.org/stable/3134375

{According to genetic studies, the average African American has around 20-25% European ancestry, meaning a significant portion of the "whiteness" in the Afro-American gene pool is attributed to historical intermixing with people of European descent, primarily due to the legacy of slavery in the United States.}

{Major League Baseball players in 2023 by ethnicity:

White: 59.7% Hispanic or Latino: 30.2% Black or African American: 6.3% Asian: 3.2% Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 0.64% American Indian or Alaska Native: 0.21%

MLB hiring demographics

White employees held 61.2% of team professional administration positions in 2023 People of color held 30.3% of team professional administration positions in 2023}

{The majority of NHL players and employees are white, but there is a wide range of ethnicities represented in the league.

Players White players make up the largest percentage of NHL players, at around 72.8% Black or African American players make up about 8.9% of NHL players Hispanic or Latino players make up about 7.5% of NHL players

Employees White employees make up about 83.6% of the NHL's full-time workforce Asian employees make up about 4.17% of the NHL's full-time workforce Black employees make up about 3.74% of the NHL's full-time workforce Hispanic or Latino employees make up about 3.71% of the NHL's full-time workforce Indigenous employees make up about 0.5% of the NHL's full-time workforce

Nationality Canada is the most represented nationality in the NHL The United States is the second most represented nationality in the NHL Sweden is the third most represented nationality in the NHL Russia is the fourth most represented nationality in the NHL}

{In England, over 90% of adult rugby union players are White British, which is higher than the white share of the national population. However, rugby in England has a lack of diversity in both participation and audience.}

“[16] Let us now consider those who are called false prophets. There are four ways of being a false prophet: firstly, by reason of their deceptive teaching; secondly, by reason of their deceptive inspiration; thirdly, by reason of their deceptive intention; and fourthly, by reason of their deceptive life.” – St. Augustine https://isidore.co/aquinas/english/SermAttendite.htm

“Chris Langan @RealChrisLangan Here's a little Valentine's Day love note from a fluffy little pussy who gushed and gushed and then immediately ran away after blocking me.

((R Ramz @RR1stCavLRRP "Musk has the nickname "big balls". Meanwhile, Musk will keep on SHOWING how smart he is. Back to your keyboard. Elon Musk speaks from a position of "been there, done that" you speak from no such position."))

Response: Ho, hum - another shitty, dime-a-dozen anonymous troll with a big flapping yap, and what a mewlng, puking little c*nt it is.

But I'll tell you what, donut boy. Elon obviously wants nothing to do with you - he's not that stupid, or so I'd assume. But as I recall, he and Zuck were supposed to mix it up until somebody chickened out.

On the minuscule chance that you actually speak for "Big Balls Musk" (rotflmao!), I'm here any time Elon is ready to go. I'll even spot him the age difference - all he has to do is sign off on anything I might do to him.

Now put a turd in your shoe and beat it. Not one more word out of your ugly, pimply little face. Have a nice one.”

Lodenkar @Lodenkar that's dysgenic bs, the right way for people without time is to have proper people to raise the children, as the upper classes always have done

Chris Langan @RealChrisLangan You're an idiot. Why would "proper people" be interested in raising the kids of morally deficient goldbricks who would rather chase money like chickenshit grifters than raise their own kids? Clearly, the "proper people" should be doing the breeding themselves. Let the goldbricks do as they like and replace themselves with machines.

BarefootInDirtNow @moonsheeple Have White kids - regardless -how do you not get the game here Chris? onboard with h33bs want to end Whites - not on board with Whites needing to flood the worlds with babies???? what???

Chris Langan @RealChrisLangan Where's the quality control? White breeders are supposed to be supplying the world with babies full of potential, fully equipped to be a credit to the White race. Instead, most of them are grubbing for money like street grifters, ignoring their kids, and creating an endless stream of helpless runaways, exploitation victims, and university-indoctrinated dunces. Show us that you're doing it differently, and maybe you'll have room to talk.

Pureblood 🇺🇲 @jeannacovell You didn't get beat hard enough. Referring to a child as " it" ??? What is wrong with you? You need psychiatric help.

Chris Langan @RealChrisLangan What a stupid old biddy you are. When you call yourself a "Pureblood", perhaps you mean "pure-blooded idiot". (Doctors refer to babies as "it" all the time. At precisely what age does the baby become fully sexualized?)

Pureblood 🇺🇲 @jeannacovell Fully sexualized??? Wtf are you talking about? Pureblood means I've never been vaccinated. Clearly you have. Multiple times, I'm guessing. Btw, names don't hurt me. I'm an adult. You should try being one.

Chris Langan @RealChrisLangan Which word didn't you understand, lady? Sexualize means "make sexual; attribute sex or a sex role to". It's what you do when you assign gender pronouns (not just weird ones, but the most common ones as well). And speaking of words, clean up your vocabulary before your mother rolls up on you with a bar of soap for that big flapping mouth of yours. You're disgusting.

SURROUNDED ON ALL SIDES @WorkerUnit1 That's fine. I'm just not going to call a small child an "it" or "thing"

Blame the two in the room and speak about the weird dynamic of what's going on all you like. I certainly do. It's bizarre

Chris Langan @RealChrisLangan I see what you mean, but kids do not have the rights and prerogatives of adults (nor should they), and they are not sexual beings. One doesn't want to confuse a child with an animal, a bug, or an inanimate object, but anyone who makes an excessively big issue of calling a child "he" or "she" instead of "it" at the age of 4 is, by definition, sexualizing that child. As a rule, toddlers should not be prematurely sexualized. Jean Benet Ramsey might still be alive had certain adults not prematurely insisted that she was ready to be called a "her", and she was all of 6. Try to think a little harder before popping off.


don SHEKN @DShekn43159 Lol you sound like a brown jew

Chris Langan @RealChrisLangan As long as you decided to raise a stink, you sound like a brown lump of dog feces (and smell like it too).

Rebuke Satanism @ArchangelMithra As long as you realize Chris Langan is a Jew your soul will be safe, as soon as you let him make you believe he’s White he’ll control your soul and destroy your connection to God.

X_Convict @Billywillsilly Mr. Langen, I'm quite surprised and disappointed. I looked for your page after hearing the Michael Knowles interview, I'm very interested in all you had to say. But damn, you're a very angry guy who talks mad shit and not even in a super clever way. I'd like to hear more.“ https://x.com/RealChrisLangan/status/1890134568780406793

Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Hypocrisy

Chris Langan: I'm told that 5g can target specific devices and/or users using directional antenna arrays. (I'm not an expert on it, and in fact, I want nothing to do with it.) If that's actually the case, then those who own the tech can determine who gets targeted for what. Obviously, they won't target themselves in any harmful way.

Fortunately, we only have widely-spaced single towers here, no phased array antennas, no 5G, and I don't even have a cell phone account for want of sufficient signal to reliably make use of one. (It's an advantage of country living.) I don't spend a lot of time on the phone, and when I do, I prefer land lines with corded handsets.

A very interesting video related to the manipulation of cognition and highly relevant to the concept of "reality simulation". Viewers are advised not to take this video as "vaccine information"; it actually tells you little about Covid 19 vaccines or their effects. It's mainly anecdotal reportage and associated speculation relating to what could be a form of "mind control" used to ease acceptance of what would otherwise be unpopular public policies by overriding negative personal opinions and opposing beliefs. The possibility of such tech, and the fact that such tech has long been of interest to the intelligence community (which is reputed to have had some versions of it since the 1960's), is something of which everyone needs to know.

To some extent, this video is accurate (with emphasis on "to some extent"). The government has actually been running a department of "nonlethal weaponry" for quite some time. You can bet that they've pulled out all the stops for the pandemic. https://www.facebook.com/groups/ctmurealitytheory/permalink/10159436279077486/?mibextid=wwXIfr

Chris Langan: Thank you for the offer. Actually, I already bought a $200 laser printer that was on sale at Amazon. Then I received it and went to hook up the wireless interface, at which point I found that because our modem is 5G capable, it would be a major pain in the ass to hook up the 2.4G printer, and my computer is too far away from the modem to use a connection cable that both of us wouldn't trip over several times a day. Why the hell these suck-ass techie-billionaire freaks still can't make their junk compatible is beyond me, except that really it's quite obvious: for them, the object is simply to rook you out of your money and then persecute you for being anything but a compliant CA-style libturd. https://www.facebook.com/groups/ctmurealitytheory/permalink/10162283359772486/?mibextid=wwXIfr

[There is a slight relationship…but 5G from the tower, is a technology, being broadcasted for the masses down below...5G means 5th Generation, of wireless technology, supporting data, video, and voice services, and allows your fancy apps to do what they do..

Your router could be delivering part of this technology, to you in your house wirelessly, and your neighbors stealing your signal (This is another subject and question) to talk about..

But, the frequency being used to communicate might be 5Ghz…which is more of a speed and bandwidth connection…

So there is a difference, but when 6G technology is developed and released, the confusion may end….unless wireless goes to 6GHZ..then… the mess starts all over again…] https://www.quora.com/Is-there-a-difference-between-5G-cell-towers-and-5G-from-my-router

[Proverbs 19:1 Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity Than he who is perverse in speech and is a fool.

James 3:10 From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so.]

https://biblehub.com/proverbs/19-1.htm https://biblehub.com/james/3-10.htm