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11 February 2025
- (diff | hist) . . User:AryanOverlord/Islam; 08:43 . . (+1,940) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Jihad (To Morally Uplift Outer and Inner Selves Through the Effective Use of All Means): It looks like ISIS became the new Hamas for Israel, the real thing, politically off the wall, the latest “proof” of the bankruptcy of Islam. What to do? Ar)
- (diff | hist) . . User:AryanOverlord/Censored2025; 05:57 . . (+347) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Jews in the News: AryanOverlord: In response to Trump, Hamas must win, Israel is going to lose along with anyone who has relations with them. Eventually Israel will no longer exist and Palestine will be established as part of the Islamic empire.)
- (diff | hist) . . User:AryanOverlord/MathOverflow; 05:29 . . (+83) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Combinatorial Analysis, Decision and Utility Theory, Metric Spaces and Theoretical Economics: Artificial Intelligence in the Knowledge Economy)
- (diff | hist) . . User:AryanOverlord/Islam; 05:22 . . (+237) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Arabic (Metathetically Moving Around): Native language differences in the structural connectome of the human brain (German vs Arabic))
10 February 2025
- (diff | hist) . . User:Mereon/Health and Wellness Archive; 23:48 . . (+345) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Indian Food: Not for Poop Eaters: AryanOverlord: In order to get the benefits of MCT Oil conversion to Ketones, ingredients with sugar and carbs should be significantly reduced from one’s overall diet, so stevia or monk fruit sweeteners can be use)
- (diff | hist) . . User:Mereon/Health and Wellness Archive; 21:54 . . (+196) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Indian Food: Not for Poop Eaters: Coconut Kulfi Ice Cream Recipe: coconut cream, coconut oil (I suggest MCT Coconut Oil), coconut sugar, pistachios and cardamom.)
- (diff | hist) . . User:Mereon/Health and Wellness Archive; 20:08 . . (+226) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Indian Food: Not for Poop Eaters: AryanOverlord: I’d add bay leaf to the above chicken curry recipe. Indian Cuisine Masterclass | MasterChef New Zealand | MasterChef World)
- (diff | hist) . . User:Mereon/Health and Wellness Archive; 20:01 . . (+166) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Indian Food: White Supremacist Jewish Nazis in the CTMU Cult like Stephen Miller Call It “Slop For Poop Eaters”: Ultimate Chicken Curry (Tamatar Murghi) from 'Indian Cooking Unfolded')
- (diff | hist) . . User:AryanOverlord/MathOverflow; 19:34 . . (+333) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Class Field Theory, Group Extensions and Generalizations: An introduction to field extensions and Galois descent for sheaves of vector spaces - HISTORY OF CLASS FIELD THEORY - Some notes on group extensions)
- (diff | hist) . . User:AryanOverlord/MathOverflow; 19:26 . . (+92) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Groups, Symmetries, Representations, Stacks, Moduli, Galois Theory: Stacks and Moduli [2024 working draft] -)
- (diff | hist) . . User:AryanOverlord/MathOverflow; 19:09 . . (+173) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Condensed Mathematics, (Pro-)Étale Cohomology, Rigid-Analytic Motives and ℓ-adic Sheaves: Hyperdescent and étale K-theory - Descent and vanishing in chromatic algebraic K-theory via group actions)
- (diff | hist) . . User:AryanOverlord/MathOverflow; 19:05 . . (+71) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Non-Commutative Geometry/Probability, (Permutative/Cohomological/Monadic/Higher/Infinite/Gradient) Descent in Algebraic Spaces: Examples of descent up to nilpotence)
- (diff | hist) . . m User:AryanOverlord/MathOverflow; 18:12 . . (+15) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Non-Commutative Geometry/Probability, (Permutative/Cohomological/Monadic/Higher/Infinite/Gradient) Descent in Algebraic Spaces)
- (diff | hist) . . User:AryanOverlord/MathOverflow; 18:11 . . (+679) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Non-Commutative Geometry/Probability, and (Permutative/Cohomological/Infinite/Gradient) Descent in Algebraic Spaces: In permutation theory, a "descent" of a permutation refers to a position "i" where the element)
- (diff | hist) . . User:AryanOverlord/MathOverflow; 18:04 . . (+648) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Non-Commutative Geometry/Probability, Random Permutation Statistics and Descent in Algebraic Spaces: monadic descent - monadicity theorem - spectral triple)
- (diff | hist) . . User:AryanOverlord/Censored2025; 16:58 . . (+101) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→February: However I might join a Brigade in Ukraine and fight Russia soon, just to see how long I can survive.)
- (diff | hist) . . User:AryanOverlord/Censored2025; 16:49 . . (+1,022) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→February: AryanOverlord: I recycle bottles and cans for a living right now and make $5-10/day, I have been offered to work at NASA since I am nearby but I refuse to work and pay taxes since it’s going toward racists who want to exterminate my race)
- (diff | hist) . . User:AryanOverlord/MathOverflow; 16:35 . . (+613) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Non-Commutative Geometry/Probability, Random Permutation Statistics and Descent in Algebraic Spaces: Descent in ∗ -autonomous categories - Descent for monads - Monads Need Not Be Endofunctors - DESCENT THEORY A survey on some of its algebraic, cate)
- (diff | hist) . . User:AryanOverlord/MathOverflow; 16:28 . . (+335) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Non-Commutative Geometry/Probability, Random Permutation Statistics and Descent in Algebraic Spaces: Monads, Algebras and Descent Theory + [Homotopy coherent version])
- (diff | hist) . . User:AryanOverlord/MathOverflow; 16:23 . . (+61) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→(Higher) Topoi/Quasicoherent Sheaves/Stacks, Symmetric/Categorical Spectra, Internalizations, Sketches, Classifying Logoi and Objects: Higher Theories and Monads)
- (diff | hist) . . m User:AryanOverlord/MathOverflow; 16:06 . . (+80) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→The Stacks Project)
- (diff | hist) . . User:AryanOverlord/MathOverflow; 16:04 . . (+177) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→The Stacks Project: Chapter 74: Descent and Algebraic Spaces)
- (diff | hist) . . User:AryanOverlord/MathOverflow; 16:02 . . (+207) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Non-Commutative Geometry/Probability, Random Permutation Statistics and Descent in Algebraic Spaces: Descent for sheaves on compact Hausdorff spaces - Effective descent maps of topological spaces (1994))
- (diff | hist) . . User:AryanOverlord/MathOverflow; 15:57 . . (+665) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Non-Commutative Geometry/Probability, Random Permutation Statistics and Mapping Descent Spaces: Categorical and combinatorial aspects of descent theory - Characters of local and regular permutation statistics - Probability Distributions Related to Ra)
- (diff | hist) . . User:AryanOverlord/MathOverflow; 14:48 . . (+219) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Non-Commutative Geometry/Probability, Permutation Statistics: Permutations, moments, measures - The Hrushovski property, finite height, and maximal ascents)
- (diff | hist) . . User:AryanOverlord/MathOverflow; 14:27 . . (+154) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Esquisse d'un programme, Extremal Combinatorics, Diophantine Geometry, o-minimality and Tame Topology: Basics on the theory of heights and its applications to certain diophantine problems)
- (diff | hist) . . User:AryanOverlord/MathOverflow; 14:26 . . (+116) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Lectures, Conferences, Courses, Slides, Visual Overviews, Self-Contained Introductions: Preliminary Arizona Winter School 2022: Heights and Model Theory)
- (diff | hist) . . User:AryanOverlord/MathOverflow; 14:23 . . (+255) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Logic, Ultrafilters, Metamathematics, Valued Fields and Model Theory: Model Theory of Fields and Heights - A model theory of heights)
- (diff | hist) . . User:AryanOverlord/Censored2025; 13:15 . . (+502) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→February: AryanOverlord: Yes Facebook is useless. I used to co-Administer the original CTMU Facebook group a long time ago but asked Langan to take over after being accosted by a White racist homosexual who was so eloquent he could imitate Langan bu)
- (diff | hist) . . User:AryanOverlord/MathOverflow; 06:29 . . (+139) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→(Ergodic, Combinatorial, Tropical, Categorical, Chaotic, Quantum, Integrable, Complex, Algebraic, Topological, Arithmetic, Logical, Computable, Symbolic) Dynamics: Algebraic dynamics, function fields and descent)
- (diff | hist) . . User:AryanOverlord/Censored2025; 06:07 . . (+188) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→February: Encouraging people to cut themselves off from university-level learning is how Jews like Langan and his Cult control the White masses, to keep them from gaining intellectual independence.)
- (diff | hist) . . User:AryanOverlord/Censored2025; 06:01 . . (+784) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→February: AryanOverlord: I understand the wishful thinking that some want to create around Langan’s persona in terms of the claim that “you will never see Chris Langan make anyone feel inferior unlike the case with many intellectuals”…this i)
- (diff | hist) . . User:Mereon/Health and Wellness Archive; 02:05 . . (+2,982) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→The Culture of Eating Human Faeces in Japan, Germany and Brazil: After all the Japanese do eat some strange things. They eat “fugu,” prepared from puffer fish which if not properly eviscerated contains enough tetrodotoxin to kill the diner. I sup)
- (diff | hist) . . User:Mereon/Health and Wellness Archive; 02:03 . . (+794) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→The Culture of Eating Human Faeces in Japan, Germany and Brazil: The restaurant knows its curry tastes like poo because, brace yourselves people, Ken Shimizu (the Japanese “King of Porn”) has allegedly eaten poo (or so he claims). “Hey bro, Mam)
- (diff | hist) . . User:Mereon/Health and Wellness Archive; 01:57 . . (+509) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→The Culture of Eating Human Faeces in Japan, Germany and Brazil: The result is Curry Shop Shimizu, a restaurant in Japan serving nothing but shit-flavoured curry. This was, of course, a totally natural thing to do.)
- (diff | hist) . . User:Mereon/Health and Wellness Archive; 01:46 . . (+214) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Paraphilia: The Culture of Eating Human Faeces in Japan, Germany and Brazil: German Hercules: The Impact of Scatology on the Image of Martin Luther as a Man, 1483-1546)
- (diff | hist) . . User:Mereon/Health and Wellness Archive; 01:43 . . (+266) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Paraphilia: The Culture of Eating Human Faeces in Japan, Germany and Brazil: Brazilian scat fetish pornographic film produced by MFX Media. The trailer features two women defecating into a cup, taking turns in what appears to be consuming the excreme)
- (diff | hist) . . User:Mereon/Health and Wellness Archive; 01:41 . . (+291) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Paraphilia: The Culture of Eating Human Faeces in Japan, Germany and Brazil: Human faeces has been used in traditional medicine, namely in traditional Chinese medicine and in traditional Tibetan medicine. The practice also existed in Japan. From Chin)
- (diff | hist) . . User:Mereon/Health and Wellness Archive; 01:39 . . (+572) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Paraphilia: The Culture of Eating Human Faeces in Japan, Germany and Brazil: Two of my bathroom buddies spoke only French and the other two only German. And as a group of varying tongues we still shared a common language spoken only with our noses. A)
- (diff | hist) . . User:Mereon/Health and Wellness Archive; 01:36 . . (+1,268) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (== Paraphilia: The Culture of Eating Human Faeces in Japan, Germany and Brazil == */ There are certain cultures where this appears prominent in respect to human faeces. This includes Japan, Brazil and Germany. This is however in these cases typically a pa)
- (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources; 00:58 . . (+810) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Dehumanization Campaigns, Unapologetic Racism and Hateful Rhetoric: When the congresswoman Ilhan Omar called Donald Trump’s top immigration adviser, Stephen Miller, a white nationalist in April, the chorus of)
9 February 2025
- (diff | hist) . . User:AryanOverlord/MathOverflow; 23:59 . . (+114) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Historical Mathematical Philosophy: A neo-transcendental approach to the continuum problem)
- (diff | hist) . . User:AryanOverlord/MathOverflow; 23:58 . . (+144) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Universal/Generalized Logic, Metric Spaces, Closed Surfaces, Transportable Relations, Universal/Abstract/Smooth/Higher Structures in General/Modern Algebra: The Functional Role of Structures in Bourbaki)
- (diff | hist) . . User:Mereon/Series Books Lists; 23:53 . . (+228) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Festschriften and Books Celebrating the Life’s Work of Academics: Morphology, Neurogeometry, Semiotics – A Festschrift in Honor of Jean Petitot‘s 80th Birthday)
- (diff | hist) . . User:AryanOverlord/Censored2025; 22:49 . . (+334) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Jews in the News: AryanOverlord: Genetically test all the racists in the CTMU cult and you will see they’re all Jews, including Langan. American Pastor EXPOSES how Racist Israelis can be)
- (diff | hist) . . User:Mereon/Health and Wellness Archive; 22:47 . . (+821) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Indian Food: White Supremacist Jewish Nazis in the CTMU Cult like Stephen Miller Call It “Slop For Poop Eaters”: THE 3 SUBTLE DOSHAS: PRANA, TEJAS & OJAS We have all heard the expression “mind, body and soul”. A conceptualization that allows)
- (diff | hist) . . User:Mereon/Health and Wellness Archive; 22:45 . . (+226) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→Indian Food: White Supremacist Jewish Nazis in the CTMU Cult like Stephen Miller Call It “Slop For Poop Eaters”: Dr. Marc Halpern talks about balancing Prana, Tejas, and Ojas, while providing practical Ayurvedic knowledge to promote awareness, se)
- (diff | hist) . . User:Mereon/Health and Wellness Archive; 22:41 . . (+102) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→== Indian Food: White Supremacist Jewish Nazis in the CTMU Cult like Stephen Miller Call It “Slop For Poop Eaters” ==: What Are Pranic Foods? An Evidence-Based Overview)
- (diff | hist) . . User:Mereon/Health and Wellness Archive; 22:40 . . (+121) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→== Indian Food, or White Supremacist Jewish Nazis in the CTMU Cult like Stephen Miller Call “Sloppy Poop Eaters” ==)
- (diff | hist) . . User:AryanOverlord/Censored2025; 22:36 . . (+607) . . AryanOverlord (talk | contribs) (→February: AryanOverlord: The YouTube video the CTMU cult links to while insulting Indians is by Sargon of Akkad (a historic Semitic ruler) who is a British Jewish Far-Right advocate of racism. Another White Jew playing Nazis for fools, the metaphysi)