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Welcome to the CTMU wiki!
The Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe or CTMU (pronounced "cat-mew") is a philosophical theory of the relationship between mind and reality. Its author, Christopher Michael Langan, has been billed as "the smartest man in America", with an IQ reported by 20/20 and other media sources to have been measured at around 195. Langan created the CTMU in the mid-1980s while working as a bar bouncer on Long Island. Among his claims for the theory are that it constitutes absolute truth, provides the logical framework of a Theory of Everything, and proves the existence of God.
This site is dedicated to explaining the CTMU, analyzing arguments for and against it, and exploring its implications. It is an open wiki, which means anyone can edit it, including you! Accordingly, those who are willing and able are highly encouraged to contribute relevant content. Proponents, skeptics, and the just plain curious are equally welcome. Please keep your input civil and constructive.
Disclaimer: This site is not affiliated with Chris Langan, and some content may not represent his views.
Getting started
If you're new to the CTMU, check out the frequently asked questions. There is also a list of CTMU sources, including links to media coverage and Langan's own writings.
To edit the wiki, just create an account; it's free and easy. Then check out the editor's guide and dive right in! If you have questions or comments, you can post them at the discussion board. There is also a CTMU Community Forum which has plenty more free space to expand into for those interested in a different format for exploring independent self-directed CTMU-inspired research flowing out from this website.
- October 31, 2024 - Chris Langan - The Interview THEY Didn't Want You To See - CTMU
- August 27, 2023 - MSCS Media: Chris Langan - Current Events - Tommy Keightly - CTMU
- August 9, 2023 - Join Chris and Tommy for a fast-moving 2+ hour excursion that is bound to broaden your perspective.
- Recorded at UC Berkeley 2017 - Chris Langan - Metareligion - Foundations of Mind Presentation
- Recorded July 31, 2022; Mature Audiences Chris Langan Presents on the Parasitic Divergence
- Released June 30, 2022 - Michael & The Smartest Man In The World, Preview plus timestamps and links to the full 2-hour interview!
- 15 August 2022 - Chris Langan Λ Bernardo Kastrup on Consciousness, Metaphysics, Computation, and God
- 20 February 2022 - Chris Langan On Intelligence, God and Ultimate Reality interview with Keith Woods
- 18 October 2021 - Chris Langan on Simulation (video interview)
- 14 July 2021 - “Chris Langan on IQ, The Singularity, Free Will, Psychedelics, CTMU, and God” Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal (podcast) Host’s Website Audio-Only Version
- 22 March 2021 - Chris Langan appeared on the David J. Harris Show
- 9 May 2020 - Chris Langan has published a new paper, "The Reality Self-Simulation Principle: Reality is a Self-Simulation", in the journal Cosmos and History.
- 6 February 2020 - Chris Langan has published a new paper, "Introduction to Quantum Metamechanics (QMM)", in the journal Cosmos and History (also available in paperback from Mega Foundation Press).