Talk:Generalized cognition
“Comment: "I don’t know what cognitively-relativized, inductively stratified, and relatively-universal mean."
Response: Let's take care not to seem as though we're accusing CTMU terminology of non-intelligibility. A troll might turn it into an opportunity to waste our time.
Cognitively relativized means that information couples with a particular cognitive syntax or mode of cognition to which its meaning is relative (the term infocognition expresses this coupling, which relates to the intelligence | intelligibility coupling of CTMU identification).
Inductively stratified refers to a tower of metalanguages, each level of which takes the one immediately below it as an object-language to which it refers...that is, as an aspect of its universe or metaobject domain. The metalanguage inductively generalizes the more specific object-language.
Relatively universal means that not all universes are necessarily the same, which implies that calling something "universal" means "universal with respect to a given universe".
I hope this provides some useful clarification.”