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Show new changes starting from 17:39, 13 March 2025
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12 March 2025

  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 04:00 . . (+88). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Chronology of Chris Langan’s Substacks, Interview Clips, Posts, Gabs, Tweets, Facebook Posts, Forums, TV Appearances (wherein he may have replied to comments): Logos, Jesus, and the CTMU | Chris Langan)
  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 03:03 . . (+114). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Chronology of Chris Langan’s Substacks, Interview Clips, Posts, Gabs, Tweets, Facebook Posts, Forums, TV Appearances (wherein he may have replied to comments): Random Mutation = Information Ex Nihilo)

9 March 2025

  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 21:41 . . (+87). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Alternative-Media References, Explainer Videos, CTMU Advocacy, Apologetics, Sympathy, Criticism and Activism, Open-Letters and Fora: 4Chan Chris Langan Racism Thread 3/9/25

6 March 2025

  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 21:42 . . (+192). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Alternative-Media References, Explainer Videos, CTMU Advocacy, Apologetics, Sympathy, Criticism and Activism, Open-Letters and Fora: The ‘World’s Smartest Man’ Has Advice for Humanity: ‘Search for God’)
  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 19:38 . . (+86). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Alternative-Media References, Explainer Videos, CTMU Advocacy, Apologetics, Sympathy, Criticism and Activism, Open-Letters and Fora: ChatGPT o1 compares and contrasts the CTMU and the FMOR)
  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 06:07 . . (+1,288). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Hypocrisy and Cynicism: The primary basis for cynicism is a lack of love. Pride and a lack of self-awareness also play a part, as a cynic places his opinion of the world on the highest pedestal. For example, a)
  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 06:05 . . (+1,149). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Hypocrisy and Cynicism: But what is cynicism, really? It’s when we mistrust or distrust the intentions of other people. It’s the belief that everyone is in it for their own self-interest, there’s always a)

4 March 2025

  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 03:20 . . (+1,040). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Chronology of Chris Langan’s Substacks: From logical and linguistic generics to Hilbert’s tau and epsilon quantifiers - Buying Logical Principles with Ontological Coin: The Metaphysical Lessons of Adding Epsilon to Intuitionistic Logic)
  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 03:07 . . (+255). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Chronology of Chris Langan’s Substacks: An Abstract Property of Formalized Languages which Contain Hilberts ϵ-Symbol (1968 Leisenring) - Hilbert's epsilon as an Operator of Indefinite Committed Choice)
  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 03:03 . . (+137). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Chronology of Chris Langan’s Substacks: Mathematical Logic and Hilbert’s ε-symbol (1969 Leisenring, Reed College)
  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 02:56 . . (+279). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Chronology of Chris Langan’s Substacks: CML: (laughs) Well, I got a very poor reaction out of that. There was a math instructor, Albert Leisenring, I think, who decided that I must be absolutely brain-dead.)

2 March 2025

  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 01:38 . . (+717). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Semi-Jewish Perversion of Eugenics and Sexism: AryanOverlord: While this post could be classified as Langan’s hypocrisy, since it is hypocritical about the Anglo-American model of eugenics he espouses (but f)
  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 01:33 . . (+627). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Semi-Jewish Perversion of Eugenics and Sexism: The TESCREAL bundle: … In this paper, we argue that the normative framework that motivates much of this goal is rooted in the Anglo-American eugenics tradition)
  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 01:32 . . (+504). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Semi-Jewish Perversion of Eugenics and Sexism: Total bullsh*t. The complete lack of explanatory detail makes it obvious. As a Hollyweird script, this premise was worn down to bare threads back in the 1970s and)

27 February 2025

  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 09:17 . . (+418). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Chris M. Langan’s Conspiracies: Isaiah 8:11-13 NIV This is what the LORD says to me with his strong hand upon me, warning me not to follow the way of this people: “Do not call conspiracy everything this people calls a conspiracy; do not fear wha)

26 February 2025

  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 21:50 . . (+585). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Context for Langan’s Ongoing Conspiracies: AryanOverlord: In trying to convince people that money=power Langan is using a Jewish strategy of eliminating God from the equation. Since money is a tool to acquire power, it is ultimately a subset of i)
  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 21:47 . . (+567). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Conspiracies About the NWO, Control Over Money and the Need to Remove ‘the Oligarchy’ By Force: Chris Langan @RealChrisLangan The superrich don't have to steal your money. They NEVER STOP OWNING "your" mone)
  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 20:01 . . (+971). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Conspiracies About the NWO, Control Over Money and the Need to Remove ‘the Oligarchy’ By Force: Chris Langan @RealChrisLangan Eliminate the problem, namely, the oligarchy. It's degenerate, it's merit-free)
  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 19:52 . . (+83). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Alternative-Media References, Explainer Videos, CTMU Advocacy, Apologetics, Sympathy, Criticism and Activism, Open-Letters and Fora: 200 IQ Man Destroys Reality: "It’s All a Hologram")

25 February 2025

  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 17:45 . . (+1,513). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Conspiracies About the NWO, Control Over Money and the Need to Remove ‘the Oligarchy’ By Force: Q: "Why does Musk talk against their program if he's part of the club? First rule of Fight Club: You don't dra)
  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 17:42 . . (+1,206). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Conspiracies About the NWO, Control Over Money and the Need to Remove the Oligarchy By Force: Chris Langan @RealChrisLangan That's a great idea. Unfortunately, it's also an unworkable idea. I'm the world's most)
  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 02:49 . . (+281). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Semi-Jewish Perversion of Eugenics and Sexism: AryanOverlord: Chris M. Langan’s White Supremacism is semi-Jewish, freakish and incoherent since he receives a sick gratification out of dehumanizing language.)
  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 02:47 . . (+79). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Semi-Jewish Perversion of Eugenics and Sexism: William Luther Pierce vs FREAKS
  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 01:59 . . (+152). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Semi-Jewish Perversion of Eugenics and Sexism: Why would Lab Rats in a Vast Dysgenics Experiment Badmouth Eugenics?)
  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 01:58 . . (+187). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Alternative-Media References, Explainer Videos, CTMU Advocacy, Apologetics, Sympathy, Criticism and Activism, Open-Letters and Fora: AI Alignment and the Distributed Second Coming of Christ A podcast interview exploring my thinking over the last 5 ye)

24 February 2025

23 February 2025

  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 20:20 . . (+95). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Perversion of Eugenics and Sexism: Brains vs. Bias: Crash Course Psychology #24)
  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 18:39 . . (+202). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Perversion of Eugenics and Sexism: Eugenics and Francis Galton: Crash Course History of Science #23 - Controversy of Intelligence: Crash Course Psychology #23)
  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 17:50 . . (+119). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Perversion of Eugenics and Sexism: The Handmaid's Tale, Part 2: Crash Course Literature 404)
  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 17:30 . . (+107). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Perversion and Sexism: The Handmaid's Tale, Part 1: Crash Course Literature 403)
  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 14:57 . . (+705). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Perversion and Sexism: Frankly Bemused @FreddyBemused When Chris Langan gets his genetic test done and proves he’s half-Jewish, then he can say whatever he wants, until then he’s an evil half-Jew under my I)
  • (diff | hist) . . m CTMU sources‎; 02:43 . . (+95). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Conspiracies About Control Over Money)
  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 02:41 . . (+1,650). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(== Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Conspiracies About Control Over Money ==: Question: "So what do you think about central banking and fractional reserve banking, and what can we do about it?" Response: Both can be used constructively, and w)
  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 02:04 . . (+1,351). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Hatemongering Against Muslims and Middle Easterners: Chris Langan @RealChrisLangan Actually, replacing Western culture with its Middle Eastern counterpart(s) would amount to putting social and biological evolu)
  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 01:54 . . (+838). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Sexism: Chris Langan @RealChrisLangan I hereby offer my services. I'll head up a US Board of Eugenics that sees to the preservation and eventual utilization of valuable female germ tissue. Of course, there will)

22 February 2025

21 February 2025

20 February 2025

  • (diff | hist) . . m CTMU sources‎; 19:00 . . (+316). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Chronology of Chris Langan’s Substacks, Interview Clips, Posts, Gabs, Tweets, Facebook Posts, Forums, TV Appearances (wherein he may have replied to comments))
  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 18:59 . . (+281). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Chronology of Chris Langan’s Substacks, Interview Clips: The Complete Consciousness Iceberg | 2 Hours of Obscure Consciousness Theories Explained

19 February 2025

  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 15:22 . . (+295). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Chris M. Langan’s Hypocrisy: [Proverbs 19:1 Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity Than he who is perverse in speech and is a fool. James 3:10 From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so.])
  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 15:11 . . (+827). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Hypocrisy: [There is a slight relationship…but 5G from the tower, is a technology, being broadcasted for the masses down below...5G means 5th Generation, of wireless technology, supporting data, video, and vo)
  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 14:59 . . (+2,624). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(== Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Hypocrisy ==: Chris Langan: I'm told that 5g can target specific devices and/or users using directional antenna arrays. (I'm not an expert on it, and in fact, I want nothing to do with it.) If that's actuall)

16 February 2025

  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 15:31 . . (+5,032). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Dehumanization Campaigns, Unapologetic Racism and Hateful Rhetoric: summary of C.M. Langan’s X rant on Musk baby)
  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 15:14 . . (+385). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Dehumanization Campaigns: [16] Let us now consider those who are called false prophets. There are four ways of being a false prophet: firstly, by reason of their deceptive teaching; secondly, by reason of their)

12 February 2025

  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 03:05 . . (+223). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Dehumanization Campaigns: {In England, over 90% of adult rugby union players are White British, which is higher than the white share of the national population. However, rugby in England has a lack of diversity)
  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 02:58 . . (+976). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Dehumanization Campaigns, Unapologetic Racism and Hateful Rhetoric: {The majority of NHL players and employees are white, but there is a wide range of ethnicities represented in the league. Players White pla)
  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 02:57 . . (+404). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Dehumanization Campaigns, Unapologetic Racism and Hateful Rhetoric: {Major League Baseball players in 2023 by ethnicity: White: 59.7% Hispanic or Latino: 30.2% Black or African American: 6.3% Asian: 3.2% Hawai)

11 February 2025

  • (diff | hist) . . CTMU sources‎; 18:01 . . (+313). .AryanOverlord (talk | contribs)(Context for Chris M. Langan’s Ongoing Dehumanization Campaigns: {According to genetic studies, the average African American has around 20-25% European ancestry, meaning a significant portion of the "whiteness" in the Afro-American gene pool is attr)